Disturbed... really disturbed!

Sep 10, 2004 23:25

Why is it that the nastiest sights are so compelling? I am currently engrossed in that awful television programme 'Cosmetic Surgery Live' and have been watching a number of scary operations that are making me queasy...
Why the fuck would anyone want to inject collagen into their G-Spot?! Labia enhancements, penis enlargements - nasty, very nasty...

But compelling.

ergh - they're using an endoscopic camera to look some randomer's vagina... Now they're injecting her g-spot with something the size of a pencil lead. Your g-spot swells from the size of a 5p piece to a 10p which makes it easier to locate. Wait four hours before having sex. :) Oh dear - it wears off after 3 months.

Hey, just a bit of info for all my mates considering getting this done... :)

*shakes head*. Nasty...
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