Yay for cough medicine

Mar 17, 2008 23:32

Quite a bit has happened in the last several months…

So after putting off going to the doctor for almost two weeks, I went today and low and behold I have bronchitis. However now that I have medicine it should go away in a few days. It’s funny how I suffer with being sick and hope it goes away, but if I just admitted that I was sick to begin with go to the doctor it wouldn’t be an issue. I probably should have listened to Joe and gone to the doctor a week ago. I'm not always the brightest crayon in the box.

I took the dreaded National Interpreter Certification exam so many people I know put it off for years because it scares the shit out of them. No point in being afraid. It's just a test.  It wasn’t that bad. Tough though. Very tough. I’m not sure I passed it. But even if I didn’t that’s ok. I am only where I am skill wise I can’t change that fact. So even if I fail, that’s not necessarily a bad thing- it would be a bad thing in the sense that I would have to pay again to take it and failing doesn’t necessarily give me warm fuzzies, but it gives me the needed feedback to help me improve my work. The one shred of hope I have of passing is because of  the ethical portion of the exam.  Many interpreters have failed the test because of the ethics portion, however I felt like I did pretty well on the ethics portion. So it might be my saving grace, either way I’ll find out in about 4 months. Yay for long drawn out waiting times….sigh

Now with the national test under my belt- I’m going to start the process of applying to Penn State as an undergrad student. I’m super excited about starting school again. I miss classes and homework.  I have an assoc. degree in interpreting, but I don’t feel like it’s enough.  My major is psychological and social sciences- I could probably roll it into something to do with human resources, interpreter coordinator, trainer- definitely something to do with counseling and socialwork in regards to grad school. We'll see I have plenty of time.

My family was here to visit last week. It was nice catching up with my parents and my brother.

I took my brother to NYC and Philly we had a great time. We did the tourist thing, which can be a lot of fun. I was pretty impressed with myself I successfully navigated the NYC subway system, and the train system in Philly with out getting us lost or getting on the wrong train.

First of all my parents, sister and older brother are still not on speaking terms with Joe, or maybe I should word it- Joe is not on speaking terms with them….anywho-

So when my parents were in town I came to the realization that Joe doesn’t want any sort of reconciliation with my parents and my parents are too far up on their high horse to even start a dialogue - sigh- even though they don’t even talk I still feel like I’m in the middle. Probably because I let my parents (I say parents but mostly I mean my mother) put me in the middle of this argument. After such an argument I try to get Joe to alter his stance on the whole thing or at least change slightly, and we then get in to an argument.

When my mother brings up this subject and I ask her to just start a dialogue with Joe. Nothing complicated, I’m not asking her to give ground on anything- just a simple e-mail “Hi I know we’ve been on bad terms but I would like to open a positive dialogue blah blah blah.” Something to that effect- it’s totally beyond her ability. She just obsesses over what has happened and tries to get me to change my opinion- what she really wants to hear is “Yes, mother you’re right.” But I’m not 10 anymore and she has a hard time dealing with anyone that disagrees with her, and doesn’t conform to her opinion. Hm... that doesn't seem very healthy to me.

I think what bothers me most about this is that I just want people to get along. I want my parents to at least be on speaking terms with my husband, I want my siblings and my husband to get along… blah blah blah. It’s not like I’m asking them to hold hands and sing Kumbayah around a camp fire. One thing that makes this difficult is, it’s not like I can say that Joe isn’t justified in his mistrust of my family members. Some of my family members have been total assholes. And Joe has been known to be stubborn and at very least not tactful on multiple occasions.

I guess what makes me shake my head- is that my family members claim to be Christians and that means that they serve a God that’s bigger then them that tells them to forgive and love, and my family members are petty, and hold grudges like a mother fucker. I have come to the conclusion for some people being right, being justified,  grand standing, is more important then healthy emotionally balanced relationships. Joe's not a Christian I can't hold him to the same ideals and values of forgiveness and love, but my parents says they are and whenever I bring it up I get these half baked shitty excuses.

I’m not really excited about the thought of countless more arguments with Joe about my parents- especially if one day we want to have children. We have both agreed that if we have children one day, we wouldn’t want our hypothetical children around people that the other person doesn’t trust. This isn’t hard to predict to see why there would be an argument.

The one good thing though- is that my parents are 600 miles away, and I don’t have to deal with this issue on a constant basis, just when they come to visit.

family, interpreting, sick, college

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