"Could have been a night like any other; one of us has to drive, one of us gets to think.."

Apr 19, 2009 12:29

And as the semester comes to a close, the end of my first year at college, so many things are newly beginning in my life.

I'm back to the mindset that I had a couple months ago: I'm living life for me. I'm done trying to appeal to other people. Because, once again, it got me absolutely nowhere. I'm going to do what I want to do, simply because I want to do it. No other reason.

I found a house to live in (skiddleedoo!) and I couldn't be more excited. I'm living with the Grindhouse boys, aka Phil, Tyler (not the ex-boyfriend Tyler), and Alex. Plus probably Smitty and Alex and Tyler's friend from New Jersey. YES, I will be the only girl. But I am perfectly fine with that. If any of you truly know me, you know that I will be a-ok in a house with me being the only female living there. I laughed and told the other girls that we're all friends with that I may actually need them to be around and that I never thought I'd need estrogen before in my entire life.

Two more weeks left. TWO WEEKS. And then I'll hopefully have signed the lease to my new house. And I'll be moving in. And working again. And it will be SUMMER. And I'm just trying to be the most optimistic person possible right now. :]

I might be a bit of a recluse for the next few weeks. I apologize. I really should be focused on school as much as possible until May 1st. Then I'll be hopefully working and getting settled into my new place.

I'm just keeping my head up. I keep truckin' along.
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