What is your favorite..gum:Juicy Fruit restaurant:Home Run Inn drink:Pepsi season:Spring type of weather:Just after it rained emotion:Flirtatious thing to do on a half day:Go to sleep late-night activity:Livejournal sport:Hockey city:Wisconsin Dells store:Best Buy When was the last time you..cried:Yesterday played a sport:Weeks ago laughed:Earlier today hugged someone:Earlier today kissed someone:Earlier today felt depressed:Earlier today felt elated:Two days ago felt overworked:Today faked sick:Yesterday lied:today What was the last..word you said:fine thing you ate:Peanut Butter sandwich song you listened to:Beach Boys - Kokomo thing you drank:Milk place you went to:School movie you saw:Duplex movie you rented:Duplex concert you attended:Backstreet Boys -3rd Grade- Who was the last person you..hugged:Mommeh cried over:because of - Amanda kissed:Kitteh danced with:Luke shared a secret with:Emily had a sleepover with:Hannah called:Phil went to a movie with:Parents saw:Starsky and Hutch were angry with:Amanda couldn't take your eyes off of:-coughMasoncough- obsessed over:-coughMasoncough- Have you ever..danced in the rain:Yes kissed someone:Yes done drugs:Yes drank alcohol:Yes slept around:Nope partied 'til the sun came up:Yes had a movie marathon:Yes gone too far on a dare:Yes spun until you were immensely dizzy:Yes taken a survey quite like this before:Yes
The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by