Title: Everyone Has a Facebook
Appearing Characters: The Fabray Family: Russell Fabray, Judy (Hunter) Fabray, Mr. and Mrs. Fabray [Russell's parents], The Eldest Fabray Daughter, Lucy Quinn Fabray
Surviving Hunter Family: Lily Hunter [Judy's younger sister]
Lucy Quinn's Friends: Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, and Brittany Pierce
Rachel's Two Gay Dads
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Comments 4
Wow! This totally surprised me...but also totally makes sense of course. I guess I still expected you to go in the direction that Lily was gay. But, this is better. It puts Rachel and Quinn on parallel tracks in their lives, and it just makes them more made for each other than they already are.
Okay, on to the epilogue!
Can't believe this has nearly finished, thanks for another great installment!!!!
Santana's line about wanting to go because she was missing a Law & Order marathon had me cracking up because that sort of remark to break up a sappy moment is so in-character (although I'm not quite sure what's so worrying about that, since if one has enough channels, one can always find an episode of one flavor of L&O or another on, and probably even the same one she missed a day or two later, LOL ;) )
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