Title: Moods Pairing: Rachel/Santana Rating: PG-13 Length: ~1,300 Summary: Santana sees a new side of Rachel. Author's Note: Finally! I've had this in my queue forever! This is based on a collection of true stories that I've mashed into one =D
The more Pezberry you write the more I love you. Take that anyway you wish. Just write more :) And convince all your buddies to. Because my attempt at making Pezberry conquer the world started with you. Thats about as far as my connections go. You need to keep it going man. PAY IT FORWARD...or something...
I am completely aware of this fact, and I happen to check for updates before I check for Faberry updates, thankyouverymuch. I am insulted by your lack of faith in my Pezberry knowledge (this, however, should not prevent your further writings of teh Pezberry).
I have more Pezberry to come, don't worry. I'm trying to stagger it out so it's not all at once and then none for months!
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