
May 14, 2010 21:36

Title: Unforgettable
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn, mentions Santana/Brittany
Rating: R
Length: ~9,000
Summary: A Broadway reject, Rachel enters the world of entry-level work and realizes it's a lot like high school. Too much like high school.
Author's Note: Stole the general idea from The Devil Wears Prada.

Unforgettable )

rating: r, length: 5000-10000, pairing: rachel/quinn, !glee

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wizemunkee006 May 15 2010, 05:04:50 UTC
I really love you for this. Seriously. It was AMAZING!! So, so good. Like... seriously? I'm rambling uncontrollably about how good this is.

All the hate and snark and sniping... soo good. I LOVE that Quinn went to her shows every Friday, and that Rachel didn't believe that Quinn was actually there.

You know when Quinn starts saying "I should fire you..." but never does... yeah, she's in love. haha I think she's a little emotionally retarded. Like for realz... she just doesn't know how to handle emotion at all. Especially the softer emotions. The ones that make her look a little vulnerable because they require her to open up to someone.

And I love that "Keep Hanging On" was the song that got Rachel noticed. The one that got her places... because that song was totally all about Quinn. It was always about Quinn. Everytime that Rachel sang it for an audition, it was about Quinn. And not only because Rachel was in love with Quinn. I think Rachel still hated her a little bit and wanted to prove her wrong. Maybe "hate" isn't quite the right word there, but I think you know what I'm trying to say. Because Rachel doesn't even realize that she's mad at Quinn. She loves her, and she doesn't recognize that every part she gets isn't just for herself, and her dads, and Mrs. Ma (who I absolutely adore, btw), but it was also for Quinn. Every audition after she quit, every role she got... it was another bit to prove to Quinn (and herself, and the world maybe) that she wasn't forgettable.

Ugh.... okay, I'm done rambling now. Just know that I loved this and it was amazing and you're amazing. And I really, honestly don't think I can express in a comment how epic this was. It may not have been your "usual," but it was epic. EPIC!


insaneantics21 May 15 2010, 05:43:27 UTC

Thank you so much! I'm glad you loved it!

I think this is the first time I've done extensive sniping and fighting. I kind of liked it. I liked it enough that I'll probably do it again sometime.

Someone commented over on ff.net and said Quinn was too quick to say "I love you" but I was like "Um, duh, it was kind of obvious she didn't hate Rachel." That and the fact that this is from Rachel's POV. We don't know exactly what Quinn was thinking or feeling. End rant.

It totally was all about Quinn. I'm glad you saw that because it's definitely what I was trying to get out. =D

I love rambling, I do! I read it over and over again to absorb it all so feel free to ramble any time! <333333


wizemunkee006 May 15 2010, 05:53:08 UTC

B.) You did the sniping and fighting well. I won't be sad if you do it again sometime.

Orange.) Some people just don't get it. That's ok though, because if they understand your level of epicness, then really... they're missing out. And you're totally right. I mean, obvs you're right since it's your fic, but yeah... Quinn never hated Rachel. Well, maybe she did, but she really loved her. She hired her without an interview because she wanted Rachel to be there. And all the hate and love and hate... totally over compensating, Quinn? I think so...

IV.) You totally succeeded in making it about Quinn. Their love is epic and undeniable, no matter how hard they try.

5.) Would you think I'm a creepy stalker if I friended you? i feel like your levels of epicness and my love for your epicness... well, those things combined, I just feel like we should be friends.

Last.) Epic is apparently my word of the night. I don't mind really because epic is a good word. And all things considered, quite appropriate for this discussion.


insaneantics21 May 15 2010, 06:04:43 UTC
Your numbering system is epic and it totally made me laugh which made me wince because I've got a sore throat but it was totally worth it. I'm not even going to try to replicate it because I'm sure I'll look like an idiot. But I kind of want to screencap that comment just for the hilarity.

Quinn did hate Rachel, she said it herself. "I hated you and loved you for a long time..." but over time the hate kind of disappeared.

I would love it if you friended me! I love friends, I really do! I also have Twitter and Tumblr if you'd like to friend/follow me on either of those. insaneantics21 on Twitter and insaneantics on Tumblr.

Epic is an epicly good word. I enjoy using it in epic proportions.


wizemunkee006 May 15 2010, 07:19:35 UTC
I'm sorry I made you laugh. Well... I'm kinda sorry. I'm not sorry I made you laugh because that's kind of the point, right? But I AM sorry that laughing made you hurt and I hope your throat gets better really fast. I HATE being sick. Last summer I was really sick for like a month with a throat infection -like I couldn't talk- and I was just absolutely MISERABLE. I hope it's not that bad.

If I was on Twitter or Tumblr I would totally follow you there, but I'm not. I've thought about it though. And the longer I think about it, the more I think I should just get a Twitter. But I was soo against it when I first learned of it because I thought it was dumb. I have Facebook and Twitter is kind of basically just the status update part of FB. But, I keep thinking about getting one.

And because it's necessary... Epic.


insaneantics21 May 15 2010, 07:51:45 UTC
Ugh, that sucks so hard. I took four tylenol and I'm feeling less pain so that's good.

Twitter is addicting. Most of the Glee cast have one =D Seriously though, it's totally addicting. I'm thinking of getting a smart phone just so I can get internet access to have Twitter in my pocket 24/7. It's bad. =P



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