Apr 27, 2005 08:47
MAN....court....Skipping, speeding, wreckless driving, DWI, drinking underage...wow...it was great! not....i had 2 pay 756...then i have a class i have 2 take for skipping its 12 hours....and everyday from now 2 july 27th i have 2 go to rehab for my drinking....yay, and my licsens has been revolked till july 27th....yay...if i dont finish the classes i will have to pay 146, and my licnese will b revolked till im 21...lucky im on medication cuz if i wasnt then i would have goten it taken away till i was 21...yay! thas 1 good thing bout them pills...yeah im on pills now...great huh? antidepressants...Cymbalta....60 mg of that shit....it sucks ass...then i have fuckin saturday school this saturday, and friday i geta get trashed ata fuckin party its ganna fuckin rock!!! fuck yeah!!! BUT i gota wake up at 7 2 get 2 saturday school at 820 blah! but were ganna get fucked up then go 2 a concert Crum bums...pretty kick ass shit..lmao...fuck weekend comin up haha...well thas pretty much it...late