happy birthday... Draco Malfoy

Jun 05, 2010 23:26

Most of my f-list probably doesn't care, but envious_ema reminded me on twitter that today is actually Draco Malfoy's 30th birthday.
I have this pic lying around that I did a while ago... could as well use it, I thought. The birthday is over in half an hour (in my timezone), so it's now or never.
Here we go:

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art, draco malfoy, fanart

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Comments 19

mangacat201 June 5 2010, 21:34:19 UTC
ooohh THAT picture, right, very good reason to finally post that for the public to see. Happy Birthday Draco... have to come back to you sometime to finish some things I started too. hmhmmm... ah the good old times.


insane_songbird June 5 2010, 21:36:36 UTC
jup, that one... let's go all sentimental awww!


anyothergirl415 June 5 2010, 21:43:36 UTC
oooo that's an awesome picture. What ships do you have in HP? I have some recs you might not have gotten to for various pairings if you're interested :D


insane_songbird June 5 2010, 22:00:06 UTC
errrm, I read 99% Harry/Draco. It was my first slash pairing ever... well, it was my first fandom ever and my first pairing ever (because I am honest, they are all slash pairings). I am kinda monogamous most of the time... It was Harry/Draco for like errrm... 4 years and how J2 for about 2 years.
What pairings do you rec?


anyothergirl415 June 5 2010, 22:06:41 UTC
I love Harry/Draco. Occasionally I read Harry/Ron, and even a few times I've read Harry/Snape hahah but I didn't just admit to that. I'm trusting you've read emmagrant01?


insane_songbird June 5 2010, 22:22:41 UTC
errrm... I can't say I have. But I only started watching LJ comms for HP this week (had my friend ema compile me a must-have list :P ). Befire that I only read on FF.net, adultFF.net and HexFiles.
I must admit that I once wrote a oneshot with Draco/Dudley (off screen), that I still kinda love because it actually worked. It wasn't a love story (*snorts* far from it). But Harry's reaction was kinda priceless :P


yellowwolf5 June 5 2010, 21:56:24 UTC
Oh yes! It is Draco's birthday today. Happy birthday, Draco! Hope you found Harry all naked, wrapped in a bow on the bed.
ah, I miss writing Harry/Draco. They were so much fun to play with <3


insane_songbird June 5 2010, 21:58:08 UTC
Yes, they were! I still have 3 unfinished fics lying around that I never dared to post and therefor never were forced to finish... but I read quite a bit H/D lately... maybe I should try to finish one of them some day. hmmm.


yellowwolf5 June 5 2010, 21:59:45 UTC
I still have several unfinished fics too. Don't think i'll ever get around to finishing them. Been ages since I read H/D as well. Used to RP it with an online friend too. We had some awesome H/D RP stories, which of course mostly ended with them having sex. *giggle*

You should finish them (: Would love to read some H/D from a writer I love!


insane_songbird June 5 2010, 22:03:41 UTC
well... I kinda forced myself to finish a fic that I had abandoned, heck, like 3 yrs ago. It had 10 chapters and was missing only one more chap to finish... I had actually posted it, so I felt obligated to.
But it was a bloody struggle. The problem was it was German (only long German fic I ever wrote *snorts*) and I haven't written any German since... errrm, like May '07? It was really hard to find the words all of a sudden *sighs*
But good to know someone would actually read it would I finish one of my fics (they are all H/D).


smut_slut June 5 2010, 23:09:38 UTC
Lovely pic!! *saves*
Happy Birthday, Draco!!!!!


insane_songbird June 5 2010, 23:11:12 UTC
*giggles* thanks!


kain_abel June 6 2010, 07:59:29 UTC
Huh. didn't know that it was his birthday. not even while I was in that fandom.
You all are making me nostalgic now! I saw this HP fic on AUBB and went like 'oh, the good ol' times'...

And don't we dare think that that tie belongs to Ginny! *shudders*

And he is thirty now... makes me somehow want to write about how he and Harry have been those last 13 years since school was over.

Anyway I'm talking too much again. How are you? Any exams in the near future?


insane_songbird June 6 2010, 11:38:03 UTC
you are the only person to think that tie could EVER belong to the Weaselette... seriously! Gah!
I am very nostalgic...I read quite a bit H/D fiction again lately (because I needed a h/c fix and our fandom is in the pre-BigBang stasis, it seems ;)
I am well... a little miffed because next week is exams (again *sighs* will it ever END?) and it's 4 seriously boring but still have-to-pass subjects: Ear-nose-throat, eye, urology and geriatrics. All not quite my cup of tea although right now eye and geri seem worst *sighs*


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