TV meme

May 21, 2010 00:57

Stolen from candygramme .

Here are mine. Tell me yours:

A show that should have never been canceled:

The Dresden Files ... they should at least have given it a REAL end. The effects were bad, but the books are so awesome and Paul Blackthorn really rocked the thing.

A show that you wish more people were watching: Leverage

Your favourite new show (aired this tv season):

Glee... Hey, I was a gleek as long as I can remember. Now I have a word for it!

Your favourite show ever:

A show you hate:

Smallville. Watched season one... was ok, it went gradually more boring. Then they started to reincarnate witches and not even Jensen could keep me watching it. Seriously WTF?

Favourite episode of your favourite tv show: The End

Least favourite episode of your favourite tv show: Something Wicked

A show everyone should watch: Supernatural

Best scene ever: The opening scene of Sam Interrupted.

A show you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving:

Merlin. I admit it, I didn't want to watch it, I was suuuuper critical about it. It has many weak spots. But I adore it.

A show that disappointed you:

Dollhouse... Never got past episode 3... totally not gripping. Oh, and Andromeda.

An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times: All SPN episodes seasons 1-3... and then some.

Favourite childhood show:

As in before puberty? "Als die Tiere den Wald verließen" (Don't know the English title). When I turned 12 I started watching Buffy, then it was Buffy.

Favourite male character: Dean Winchester

Favourite female character: Ziva from NCIS, Temperance Brennan from Bones

Your guilty pleasure show:

One Tree Hill. Yes, I know... I can only take it when I'm in THAT mood. That's why I'm only in season 5.

Favourite miniseries:

hardly ever watched any... maybe Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars?

Favourite title sequence:

Dexter ... they are so creepy :)

Best tv show cast: Supernatural (also smallest regular show cast, I think)

Favourite kiss:

I don't know... seriously. I hardly ever care for kisses. Maybe the first Brian/Justin kiss in Queer as Folk.

Favourite ship: Tiva... for TV characters... if it's for fictional Characters, I'd say Harry/Draco. I don't really ship Wincest. Only in rare AU occasions.

Favourite series finale:


Most annoying character:

Catherine from CSI Las Vegas

Best quote: Oh god, too many! errrm... "People are just crazy."

A show you plan on watching (old or new):

The Last Chapter, aka Le Dernier Chapitre (I'm a Roy Dupuis fan! And I'd even watch it in French. so far I didn't find it anywhere)

OMG WTF? Season finale: Dresden Files

Best pilot episode:


First tv show obsession:

Buffy or Star Trek (all but the original series... I'm a traitor), I am not sure what I watched first... Probably Star Trek. Or Babylon 5? No, I think it was Star Trek.

Current tv show obsession: Supernatural

Saddest character death:

Jadzia Dex from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Why? My inner Trekkie is STILL crying.

I know, I know... you are all thinking: Is she STILL THERE? Yes... once more sleeping before I'm off. But it's past midnight so I'll go to bed when I posted this.

*hugs* B


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