...coming from
garvaldmains ...
01. Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper at their LiveJournal. (you see how I was bullied into this!)
02. Explain in five sentences why you're using that wallpaper!
03. Don't change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on!
1. Wallpaper of unknown title found via Google nearly 2 years ago when I got my new computer... I just needed something.
2. It's not from me (and I don't claim anything!)... I can't look at my own stuff all day without changing it every 10 minutes.
3. Not fandom related because I'd not get ANYTHING done on this computer otherwise.
4. No people in it... because that really distracts me.
5. It's neutral but cool, what with the stream of blood.
Oh, by the way: Hey guys, I'm back! Had Baeckeoeffe (I dunno if that's how it's written really) wine and cheese in Strasbourg, was driven around in a wheelbarrow until the thing tipped over because a friend tried to ride on my lap and lost her balance and slept in a 10 bed hostel room with 3 couples... so effectively we needed only 4 beds and I had to pull my blanket over my head to not listen too much to all the snogging... But it was real fun.
*hugs* Birdie