Down a Slippery Slope 1/1

Feb 19, 2012 23:44

Down a Slippery Slope

Pairing: J2
Words: 1,700
Rating: R...ish
Warnings: model!AU?
Disclaimer: oily fiction
for candygramme's prompt “oil, muscles”

Summary: “Alright, gentlemen! Oil him up!” Jensen shouted with a wicked grin.

“Alright, gentlemen! Oil him up!” Jensen shouted with a wicked grin, chomping on his gum lazily. He looked like the cat that got the canary - and was currently chewing on the bones - the way that he sat in his chair, feet up on the large equipment box in front of him. His camera lay in his lap, held in a loose grip. It was one of those super expensive digital SLR cameras with lenses in all shapes and sizes that cost a fortune. Those things weren't as manageable as the handy, small digital cameras. But they made one hell of a great photo.

Jared cringed as the first squirt of oil hit his skin. He was half undressed, wearing only low riding jeans - no underwear by photographer's orders - and nothing else. His bare toes were wiggling against the cool floor as the photographer’s assistants circled around him like vultures, spraying him with transparent oil to make his skin look wet and shiny. He had told Jensen that he could simply run around the block twice to get sweaty for real, but the photographer had simply shaken his head. By the looks of it he had way too much fun watching Jared getting squirted full of drippy, slippery oil. He hated the feeling, but he was too professional to protest. This wasn't his first photo shoot of this kind, and he wouldn't start whining now. The customer paid well enough to enable him to shower as much as he wanted, so he was fine with getting a little dirty.

He rubbed the slick over his skin making it into an even coat that covered every inch of visible skin. “Alright, alright! I think that's enough, guys,” he said holding his hands up like he was held at gun point rather than at oil-spray-bottle point - and way to make up weird metaphors, Jared!

“Great! Give the man some space, then.” Jensen jumped out of his chair with a bouncy enthusiasm that made Jared grin. As if the guy didn't see him naked often enough. He just liked making Jared jump through the hoops. “And you, Jared, can stop grinning like a loon and get the sexy on instead. This is a jeans commercial, not an ad for teeth whitening strips."

Jared snorted, murmuring about Jensen just being jealous of his dimples but obeyed, shaking his head to make his unyielding bangs fall into his eyes a little so he could gaze though them at the camera. He started off with basic poses, playing with the well-cut jeans he was wearing, fingers tangling through the belt loops.

“Nice, Jared. Now give me something else.” Jensen moved around him like a hyperactive squirrel looking for the right tree to hide its nuts in. He was always on the move: left, right, crouch and then up again, walking up closer, stepping backwards. One assistant hovered at his side ready to hand him a different lens whenever he asked for it. But somehow Jared had the feeling that his main job was to make sure Jensen wasn't going to step on something and fall on his ass while walking around with his eyes only on Jared.

The orders he got weren't very specific, so Jared simply ran with what he felt might look good. He changed poses with slow, fluid movements while the camera clicked like a chattering squirrel - and what was up with that squirrel analogy? Jared flipped the hair from his eyes and ran a hand through it. Even his roots seemed to be oily. There was a trail of wetness running down his spine and into the expensive jeans he was wearing. He wanted to shudder and wipe it away but instead he turned around so Jensen could get some nice shots of the back of the jeans, and the back of Jared's… everything.

“Great. Get a little creative. Have fun, move around... whatever comes to mind.” Jensen took two steps back as if to give Jared a little room to move and his assistant shadowed him with his eyes on the floor where Jensen planted his feet. Yes, Jared had guessed right.

“You might have to switch to sports mode, Jensen,” Jared said with a grin.

“Try me, wise ass!” Jensen shot back with a chuckle. “Maybe you can prove that those muscles are actually good for something.

If this hadn't been a photo shoot he had to look great at, Jared might have pouted at that remark. Instead he just took a quick step forward before diving down with his hands out and kicking his feet off the ground. Maybe he didn't have Olympian poise, but he had no trouble walking around on his hands for several seconds. His abs tightened keeping his hips over his center of gravity.

“Face!” Jensen warned him, making sure he didn't forget his facial expressions over the acrobatics. He schooled his features and gave Jensen another few seconds to take his pictures before he brought his feet back down. After that it was all cartwheels - which were probably not really great for the kind of picture they wanted - and jumps with his feet thrown up in every direction - which probably looked better but also tired him out faster.

In the end he was both oily and sweaty, his hair mussed and clinging to his head or standing up in odd angles... and of course Jensen was absolutely into it. They did another round of poses with Jared panting through his nose and trying to look sexy rather than exhausted.

“Pull the jeans down a little more,” Jensen said, and Jared raised his eyebrows. They had already wandered an inch or two lower over the course of his physical activities. Now that he pulled them down even more they were almost indecent. But only almost. The fine trail of hair that ran down from his belly button could be seen as it went down and down... and down. It was like a sexy arrow pointing right at his crotch and, through that, at the product they were trying to sell.

“Perfect. This is the last set, so give me the best you got!” Jensen ordered as his camera already started clicking away happily.

When Jensen called an end to the shoot, Jared was tired but satisfied with the work he had done. Jensen clapped him on the shoulder as he handed his camera to the second assistant to load the pictures onto the computer. “Good job, Jared... now get cleaned up while we look at the pictures, okay?” He rubbed his now oily fingers together, nose wrinkling at the feeling. Part of Jared thought he did that simply to pull Jared's leg one last time about being oiled.

Jared felt a little sore by the time he got home. But it had been worth it. The pictures Jensen showed him were really good. He just hoped the clients would be satisfied with the result, but usually Jensen was very meticulous in getting the customers what they wanted - or rather make them think that his vision was exactly what they wanted all along - so Jared wasn't too concerned there.

“You're quiet,” Jensen noticed as they entered the apartment. They didn't live together but for the last month or two they had alternated staying over at each other's place, and tonight the choice had been Jared's.

“Just thinking... I hope the jeans guys like the pictures.”

Jensen snorted rolling his eyes. “They better like them because they are not refundable... and they'd be real idiots if they didn't like them, because you look so damn hot in them.”

“Thanks for getting me the job.” Jared blushed. He knew that it wasn't like that, or at least Jensen always told him it wasn't, and Jared believed him. He might be a model sleeping with a photographer, but they had been pretty steady for four months already, so they were past the point of doubtful intentions.

“I just showed them some pictures of models I knew that might be good for this job... they liked how you looked naked. So technically, your pectorals got you the job, not me. They could have picked Tom instead. They didn't.”

Jared shook his head. Jensen always did that. He didn't like thank-yous and gratitude. So Jared simply decided to switch their evening to something he knew Jensen liked. He unzipped his hoodie and started undressing, already on his way to the bedroom. Looking over his shoulder, he could see Jensen's eyebrow rising at the sudden move. “Are you coming, or did you already see enough of my naked body today?”

There were no protests from Jensen, and it didn't take them very long to leave a trail of clothing all the way to the bed. Taking Jensen by the wrist, Jared pulled him off balance, letting both of them fall to the mattress. He rolled on top of his boyfriend and started kissing Jensen, who was trying to speak but had to give in to a few seconds of making out before he found himself able to speak again. “Jared, what... why are you still oily?”

“I didn't shower,” he answered his a wicked grin. “You had so much fun watching me get all oiled up that I thought I should have my own fun making you oily all over as well.”

Jensen squirmed but couldn't get a good hold of Jared due to his still slippery skin. “You're getting grease spots on the sheets.”

“I don't care. You don't really want us to stop, do you?” They kissed again, and Jared let his fingers skin across Jensen's skin teasingly. “I want to get you slick all over.”

Jensen groaned giving in to Jared's ministrations easily. “Well, if you say it like that...” He rolled his hips upwards suggestively and Jared knew that they were already headed down the slippery slope.


prompts, j2au, oneshot, fanfiction

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