Hunger Strike 1/1

Oct 24, 2011 16:56

Hunger Strike

Pairing: None... or J2, whatever you like
Rating: R
Warning: hunger striking, self destructive behavior, false imprisonment
Words: 730
Disclaimer: fiction!
for hc_bingo prompt "hunger/starvation"

Summary: Jensen is a prison doctor... Jared is doing a hunger strike.

“Please remind me what you are striking against now?” Jensen knew exactly what the man was striking against. Most recently this particular inmate had not left out a single opportunity of both upsetting the guards or visiting the prison hospital. Inmate J-7563L4, Jared Padalecki, was a rather active person. That activism was the reason Jared was here in the first place - although an appeal was being filed with the state's attorney's office as they were speaking because Jared was rather adamant that he had been framed. Somehow Jensen could believe it. Mister Padalecki, a politically active law student with a knack for demonstrations, was the bane of most law officials and there were at least a dozen prison guards who wouldn't mind framing him as well if it could get him out of their hair. However there was nowhere to go once in prison but out or into a coffin and despite being a nuisance, Padalecki was charming enough not to inspire conspiration to murder just yet.

“Against the inhumane conditions in solitary confinement.” The man was very tall and lean. There hadn't been any fat on him to begin with, only muscle and bone (and lots of both). But the definition of his body had turned from butch to sinewy with the continuation of his hunger strike.

This wasn't the first one Jensen had seen in this prison but Jared was the most dedicated striker yet.

“You know that if you loose consciousness due to malnutrition, I will have to hook you up to an i.v.-drip full of calories and sugary goodness,” Jensen said with an exaperated smile. He liked Jared. The man was educated and political and a breath of fresh air in between the mixture of gang bangers and psychopaths that made up most of the general population in their prisons. Despite being a bloody giant, inmate Padalecki never seemed threatening to Jensen. It was odd since Jared was in here for attacking and injuring a police officer during a demo of sorts. But the whole charge seemed odd. Hunger striking was the most peaceful sort of protest. The kind of people who did hunger strikes did not usually throw molotov cocktails at cops.

Jensen stayed informed on the Padalecki case - not that he was going to say that out loud because he was not supposed to get invested with either his patients or an inmate of this prison - or, as it happened, both. But he hoped Jared's appeal would come through. The man took his imprisonment in stride... but should all his appeals would fall through, Jensen was afraid Jared would not be so easy going anymore. The death of hope was what killed people in here... that and a gang banger with a shiv.

“Sounds great, doc. Can I choose between different flavors? I think chocolate sounds good,” Jared answered with a grin that made Jensen chuckle as he shook his head.

“I got a bar of chocolate right there in my desk... maybe I can tempt you?”

The look on Jared's sunken face was pure torture. “Don't do that to me, man. By now I am beyond the hunger... but just thinking of chocolate is cruel!” He tried to muster a cheeky grin but his stomach growled quite pitifully destroying the act.

“Sorry. But it's my duty to at least try and stop you from starving yourself to death.”

“I have confidence that you will not let me die, doc... can you do me a favor?”

“Depends... I am not at baking, so don't expect a file in a cake.”

The laugh he got was genuine if a little weak. “Nice one! Just make sure that if I need your calory drip before they give in, the media gets wind of it, okay?”

“They already got wind of it. I get calls three times a day asking if you're dead yet.”

Snorting, Jared seemed half pleased and half appalled. “They would love that, wouldn't they?”

Jensen simply nodded. “Yes. Would you?”

Jared's face turned more solemn than Jensen could remember him ever being up to this point. “I don't intend to die before I proved my innocence. Sadly, I seem to suck at self preservation... but that's what I got you for, doc!”

“Right. You're not making things easy for me though.”

“At least I'm memorable.”

“Yes, that you definitely are.”


bingo, j2au, oneshot, fanfiction

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