Too Much 1/1

May 14, 2011 08:54

Too Much

Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC17
Words: 2,000
Disclaimer: They aren't mine, but I swear to return them oiled, scented and freshly lubed.
Warnings: pwp, m/m sex, orgasm denial, toys, intense prostate massage, bottom!Jared, D/s, light BDSM
for snowangel415 who prompted this

Summary: Jensen makes Jared wait, makes him want, makes him squirm. Sometimes it's nearly too much to take.

Jared chewed slowly trying not to choke on a bite when he involuntarily shifted in his seat and a jolt of heat went through him like he had put his finger in the light socket - only that it wasn't his finger that was jolted. He couldn't help the little gasps and whines that fell from his throat when he was surprised by another push deep inside him and he swallowed without tasting what he was eating. Jensen's green eyes were watching him as the man ate his dinner slowly and delighted, more appreciative than he ever was when he was actually concentrating on his food. He smiled when Jared's fork clanged against the rim of the plate and as Jensen wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin, it didn't diminish his Cheshire-cat grin.

„Dinner's really good, Jared“, he said with a low, satisfied voice that went directly to Jared's crotch and made him flinch when his cock twitched. Hot, swollen flesh brushed against the napkin he had spread over his lap as the only protective measure since wearing pants was impossible with the raging hard-on he had. Cooking had been hard enough because every time he walked to the fridge, the thing that Jensen called a plug but that Jared thought was too big and too long to still be called just that, would jostle in his ass and push against his prostate. When Jensen had come home, all he had done was sit in the table with a grin watching Jared stiffly stir their dinner wearing just a tee and an apron. His eyes went dark and Jared had hoped they'd just let dinner get cold and get down to the more important business but his partner had other plans.

When Jensen had told him he'd be coming by for lunch, Jared thought they'd eat sandwiches or something like that. Instead he had spent all afternoon trying not to break the rules and let himself be tortured by too much pleasure and too little release.

Finally Jensen got up and collected their plates, scraping the left overs into the garbage and putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Jared really wanted to scream at him to cut the stalling techniques and let him come now but he just bit his lip and waited. A hand on his shoulder had him get up and his knees buckled a little when the plug scraped over his too sensitive prostate. An arm around his elbow stopped him from swaying off balance and Jared nearly whooped with joy when he was pushed towards the bedroom.

He collapsed onto the bed with a sigh shoving his t-shirt off and looking at Jensen expectantly but the man didn't undress as expected, instead he simply sat down on the bed, back leaning against his headboard. Jared stared at him and he wanted to scream because Jensen couldn't torture him any more, could he?

The man petted his lap and a sob left Jared's throat as he crawled towards his partner to be pulled into a too chaste kiss before being pushed down, so he was sprawled over Jensen's lap, sensitive cock pushing into the man's thigh.

„God, Jared, you're so good for me“, the man whispered hand skimming over Jared's spine and down too his ass. He squeezed one tan globe before running his fingers between them and over Jared's filled hole making him jerk violently at the pressure against the toy.

Jensen chuckled removing his hand and rummaging through the nightstand but Jared was too busy breathing, panting and trying not to move away from Jensen when his too hard cock nearly hurt from cotton moving against it to even look up and see what the man was doing.

The phone rang and Jared groaned, forehead hitting the mattress in frustration when Jensen pushed him off his lap to get up. Jared didn't expect the item that fell onto the mattress next to him.

„Put this on, baby. I'll be right back.“

Jared stared at the ball gag for a long moment as Jensen walked from the room. He just hoped his partner would make this a short call because between the cock ring, the huge-ass butt plug and now the ball gag, Jared would probably go crazy soon enough. Still he reached for the item, opening his mouth to bite down on the gag as he wrapped the strap around his head and fastened it.

He was hardly done when Jensen walked into the room, headset tucked behind and around his ear and speaking. „No, Julie, I did not order anything in pink and if Stephan claims so he's a filthy fucking liar.“

Jensen grinned at Jared where he was lying on the bed fleshly gagged, naked and straining and sat back down pulling Jared back onto his lap. The taller man turned staring at him but Jensen only smirked pressing a button on the phone's headset that seemed to mute his side of the call.

„Hands on the mattress, Jay. You know the sign?“

Jared nodded hesitantly, tapping the mattress three times in a row with his right hand in the gesture equivalent if their safeword. Jensen grinned pressing the button on the headset again as his other hand squeezed Jared's neck appreciatively. „Yes, I'm still here, Julie... no, I am not going to sort this out myself. I know what orders I placed. The receipts are on my desk and you are my secretary for a reason...“

Jensen kept talking to his assistant with as professional a tone as ever but his eyes were on Jared while one hand started twisting and turning the plug in Jared's ass, pulling it out a little to then push in hard and fast and Jared was thankful for the gag as his vision turned white and he buckled and flailed when Jensen tortured his prostate making his cock jump and a sweat break out on his skin. Jared panted, pleasure and pain so close to each other as Jensen worked his ass fast and hard while discussing fucking flower colors with Julie.

Jared tried hard to keep his hands flat on the mattress like Jensen had demanded but his legs were thrashing with need. When the plug was pulled from his lubed hole Jared's sob of relief and loss wasn't audible but it was definitely there. He felt empty, hollow, but only moments later Jensen's fingers were there, skimming over the stretched flesh, dipping in two at a time, scissoring and fucking in and out of him with languid movements. Jensen was thorough, hooking his fingers against Jared's inside. He added a third finger and even a fourth and Jared didn't even know he could be stretched so much but Jensen was playing him like a grand piano and he writhed and pushed back into the hand that was nearly all the way in. A thumb skimmed over the burning pucker that was gaping around Jensen's wiggling fingers.

Jared wasn't sure how long Jensen did this but he was unable to catch his breath or collect a single coherent thought until Jensen's hand disappeared suddenly making him mewl unheard behind his gag. It was replaced by something colder and lube slick and fucking big. Jared knew why Jensen had taken his time stretching him when what felt like the biggest dildo he had ever had was inserted into him as Jensen's fingers skimmed over the stretched rim of quivering muscle.

The moment Jensen switched on the vibrating function, Jared thought he was going to explode. This was too much. He bucked and panted, unsure if he wanted to pull away or push for more and his head swam. There was pressure not only in his balls and cock and up his fucking ass, but also behind his eyes and in his throat and his vision, white from sensation, exploded with sparks of color as Jensen pushed the vibrator in and out slowly.

Jared broke. He couldn't hold on any longer. It was too much, too much pleasure, too much stimulation, too long, too big. The strain against the cock ring was long since painful and he felt raw and open, literally, wondering if his ass would ever feel the same again. But he also felt like he had been stripped of more than just his clothes and he would be open and bleeding as if he had been dragged behind a car only that they weren't wounds of injury but of restraint and pleasure. He whined unheard around the rubber ball in his mouth. His jaw hurt and he just couldn't go on any further.

Tears leaked from his eyes onto the sheets as his shoulders and stomach quivered with silent sobs. His nose ran with the wetness and he had to sniff so he was still able to breathe. Jared had never used the safeword or its equivalent sign before but if this was going to continue for another short minute, he would. It was just too much.

„It's late, Julie. Just get it done tomorrow.“ Jared hardly registered Jensen cutting his secretary off with a curt tone but was brought back from the edge of insanity when the vibrator was pulled from his ass and the ball gag snapped open. Jared sobbed as he pulled in deep breaths of air. Jensen's hands turned him and petted his sides carefully as he kissed Jared's cheeks to catch the tears. Jared knew that despite the obvious distraction, Jensen had not taken his eyes off him for a second and the man had seen his distress without him having tell. Jensen always was like this. But he had never pushed Jared this far before.

„What do you want, Jared?“

„I- I want to come“, he whined, body squirming around his cock that was straining so hard against the cock ring it probably soon would turn blue.

„How?“ Jensen whispered against his ear fingers skimming over the darkly flushed flesh.

Jared gasped eyes blinking around his tears. „With you inside me.“

It was hard to form the words when his mind was swimming and his whole body was trembling. But Jensen understood his words perfectly and unfastened his pants not taking the time to undress before pulling Jared to his knees to sit on top of him. Jensen was already hard just from watching Jared's battle with his own lust and need and he pulled Jared's head down by the neck to kiss him deep and slow. Jared groaned, some of the tension slipping away as he sank onto Jensen's cock with ease, the generous amount of lube that had found its way into him over the last few hours slicking the way.

Jared rode Jensen's cock hard and fast throwing all finesse out the window in order to get off right the fuck now. His head fell backwards as his partner's cock slid over his by then painfully stimulated prostate and Jensen licked and bit along Jared's collar bone, fingers digging into Jared's hips bruisingly ans his hands helped Jared lift up and sink down in a fast rhythm. Jensen groaned against Jared's skin, teeth raking over the dark bud of a nipple making Jared jerk and whine. He was keening, voice and body out of his control as his rhythm stuttered and another tear ran down his face when he felt his cock go nearly numb from pressure.

„Please, Jen! Please.“

One hand left Jared's hips and Jensen nibbled on Jared's ear whispering. „Come for me, baby.“

The cock ring snapped open and Jared roared out his orgasm at the top of his lungs. His body seized in rhythmic trembles, ass clamping down on Jensen hard to pull the man's own orgasm from him and Jared's back arched as his senses failed. He sacked backwards, trembling and panting, void of conscious thought but was caught by strong arms.

Jensen lowered him to the bed, hands careful and loving, stroking Jared's side. Jared just lay there unable to even blink open his eyes as Jensen got up to return with a warm, wet cloth cleaning Jared's body thoroughly before tugging the blankets over him. Jensen slipped into bed behind him and bundled Jared into his arms laying soft kisses onto hot skin.

„You did good, baby. So damn good for me.“

Jared purred, snuggling against the warm body that had just given him the most intense orgasm he had ever had and only smiled when Jensen's last words Jared registered before falling asleep were: „I love you, Jared.“


A/N: Looks like it's porn week! LOL

*hugs* Birdie

j2au, oneshot, fanfiction

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