Short Cuts - SPN Oneshot

Dec 21, 2010 15:11

Short Cuts 1/1

Pairing: Gen

Rating: G

Words: 1,400

Warnings: General Spoilers up to maybe season 2 but not really... haircuts?

Disclaimer: They aren’t mine and it’s probably better that way…

Summary: Dean persuades Sam that they can’t let an old comrade of their dad’s down. Sam doubts they are military material, even if it’s just for a few days… but what he’s really worried about is the haircuts.

“Remember when we did that job in a prison? That was bad… but this is nine times of crazy, Dean!” Sam stood in front of his brother with a look of utter horror and resentment. Dean knew this was going to be a tough one and he had been right.

“You’re only mad because you’re gonna get a new haircut, aren’t you, Sammy?” He stayed as calm as possible trying not to grin too wide in order to keep his brother from strangling him.

Sam looked like he had been caught with the hand in the cookie jar. “I’m not.”

“Are too.” Dean raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

The taller of the brothers was standing there his mouth working without a sound coming out of it. Then he seemed to realize what he was doing and snapped it shut to take one deep breath. He sighed. “Okay… I happen to like my hair the way it is, but…”

“Yeah, it’s so cute!” Dean teased him trying to ruffle through his hair but Sam swatted his hands away. “Maybe if you had a more practical hairstyle you wouldn’t need that long in the bathroom every morning.”

Sam huffed and crossed his arms pouting. “Well other than you I shave myself more often then twice a week.”

Dean grinned and scratched his designer stubble. “What should I say, geek boy? The chicks dig the just-out-of-bed look… Maybe you should try it someday. And since you’ll soon be rid of that huge lot of hair on top of your head you won’t look like the Yeti anymore if you don’t shave every morning.” He patted his younger brother on a smoothly shaven cheek and got a look that was meant to kill.

“How’s that supposed to work anyway?” Sam was looking for a way out but Dean wouldn’t let him wiggle his way out of that job.

“I told you, Sammy. An old comrade of Dad’s called me. He’s the Commander of the base. He’ll handle things for us. We will go in there as normal recruits, that should be easy enough.” He didn’t see the problem. They had a friend very high up on that military base so they should have enough air to breath and get the job done while conning as recruits of the U.S. Marine Corps.

“C’mon Sammy, it will be fun!”

“Dean, you’re absolutely no military material, you know that don’t you?” Sam threw his hands up in anxiousness.

“What are you talking about, man? You said it yourself once: We were raised as warriors.”

“Warriors, yes. But not soldiers… You can hardly live after the rules of our society.” Dean huffed but Sam gave him a quirked eyebrow that asked to be challenged. “I hate to break that to you but your completely anti-social and you have a real issue when it comes to authority.”

“Sammy, did you bump your head or something? You always were the insubordinate one here. I am very well able to follow orders.” He crossed his arms over his chest daring his younger brother to proof him wrong.

Sam was quite agitated by then. “Dad’s orders, yes. You were Dad’s brave little soldier but in your whole life you have never taken a single order form anybody else. Dad is dead and for you that means that the only rules you have to follow are Dean’s rules.” Sam stabbed a finger at him before shoving his hands deep inside his pant’s pockets waiting for Dean’s retort.

Dean looked at him dead blank. “Just because I don’t take orders from you doesn’t mean that I couldn’t obey an order if I had to.”

“Are you sure about that?” Sam said in a tired voice.

Dean shrugged. He knew that it was true… sometimes at least. He did not like people being bossy around him. But he knew he could handle it. He had so for 26 years under their Dad’s lead and he could so for a few days when it was the price of saving lives.

“Well at least I’m not as prissy as you are.”

Sam gave him an annoyed look. “I never said I were military material either. We both will have our issues with that.”

Dean decided to end this discussion now. He had decided to go before they even started. “It’s not a life assignment. Just a few days maybe a couple of weeks until we got the job done.”

Sam groaned racking a hand though his - yet - half long hair. “You can’t keep your big mouth shut for five minutes, Dean.”

He blew out a breath slowly contemplating that fact. “I’ll get back to you about that.”


They stood in line waiting patiently until it was their turn to sign in and be administered the provided pile of camouflage clothing before moving on to the next stop… the hairdresser… or rather the bald black guy with the electrical shaving machine. Dean nearly bumped into Sam as he stopped mid stride at the sight that was theirs to take in as they came there.

“I’m so going to kill you, Dean. This is so humiliating.” Dean saw a drop of sweat growing on Sam’s forehead and watched as his brother’s eyes slid around the room restlessly just a little too wide for being comfortable. The guy who did the haircuts gave them two options: no hair or half an inch. Actually Dean was positively surprised by that - Sam looked like he was close to fainting. Pure and utter panic was slowly invading his features as the line pushed forward.

“Relax, man. Breath.” He said that in a low tone so nobody would hear him but Sam, who turned to him jaw clenched and eyes blazing.

“I am breathing.” Sam’s lips were moving while his teeth were rigidly ground together so his words were a sharp hiss. Dean was glad that he was behind Sam in the line because that way he was able to keep his brother from fleeing when Sam suddenly made a full turn facing his older brother. “I will not let this guy assault me with this infectious thing.”

Dean put his hands on Sam’s shoulders and gave him a look he hadn’t used in years. It was the don’t-think-Dad-will-let-you-get-away-with-this-so-don’t-even-try look. “I like my hair.” It was a kid’s plea for mercy… and Dean was the unyielding father in this case. He watched Sam’s face sink into resignation and turned him by the shoulders because it was Sam’s turn to sit in the provided plastic chair. Sam lowered himself into the chair in slow motion gripping the sides of the chair like a lifeline in a hurricane. The razors buzzed into life again and Sam flinched involuntarily at the sound. He clenched his eyes closed as the machine moved over his head sheer pain and resentment written all over his face.

Dean thought his little brother was close to screaming, crying or killing someone but Sam kept control over those urges although Dean was pretty sure there were going to be Sam-hand sized dents in the chair afterward. The razor man brushed the last of the brown curls off Sam’s head when the younger Winchester dared open his eyes again and let go of the chair. In his lap there lay what had former been his cutie-boy haircut and Sam took a big brown curl into his hand looking down at it with a sad pout. It was heart-wrenching actually and Dean felt compassion for his brother’s pain although he had to say that he hadn’t been wrong when he said that Sam would look good with short hair.

The last time Sam had a kicked puppy face like the one he wore as he got out of that chair had been as he lost his shoe in a sewer after that rabbit’s foot incident… that’s how bad it was.

Dean sat down after his brother had cleared the space for him making a snide remark about wanting some highlights as well and being radically ignored by the razor-man. As he got up again he ruffled his hands over the new stubbly haircut he sported and gave a waiting Sam an animating clap in the shoulder. “That wasn’t half bad now, was it?”

“Bite me.” Sam growled still having this teeth clenched together as though his tongue tried to escape his mouth every time he opened it. “I liked my hair.”


So, I hope you had a laugh because I sure did. This was once the opening scene to a long dead bunny but I thought I'd share it nonetheless. It's oneshot material :D *hugs* Birdie

supernatural, oneshot, fanfiction

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