Mandatory Refusal Epilogue/3+

Feb 19, 2009 22:52

Author: insane_songbird

Pairing: J2

Rating: R

Words: ~1.500

Warnings: Violence, Language, maybe a little sexual innuendo (or a little more), blood, minor character death, Agent!Jared, Agent!Jensen

Disclaimer: Slavery is bad... I do not own other human beings and I don’t think special agents would work for a TV show. That would be bad for their undercover thingy.

The title is actually a La Femme Nikita episode on which this fic and it’s setting is based to a certain degree, knowledge of the show is completely not necessary though. I just took it’s feeling.
Summary: Jared and Jensen are not in a relationship. People like them don’t do relationships, especially not with colleagues. As operative Jensen Ackles is forced to finish a job he started all by himself out of the fear of being sold out by an unknown traitor the only person who is on his side as things change is his fellow agent, Jared. As a manhunt for the good guy ensues can Jared make Jensen see reason and stop him from going through with long overrun orders or does Jensen’s inability to trust anyone get him killed?

Betaed by mangacat201  and candygramme . Guys, you're amazing.
Comment PLEASE!!!!

All Parts

Previous Part


“So you didn’t kill him because…?”

“Because I had to know who the mole was, first.”

Jensen was walking slowly, very slowly. A snail could have won a race against him at the moment, but he couldn’t make himself care. Jared hovered at his side with a hand only inches from his shoulder, watching his every move for the need to catch him, before he hit the floor once more that day. Jensen's knees seemed weak, and he had been holding onto the wall as they showered.

After they'd gone back to their substation and been debriefed for what seemed like eternity - in which Morgan would have bitten Jared’s head off, had he not come up with an amazingly logical cover story for his little solo show, thanks to his conspiring with Mike. The fact that Jared had found and killed the mole was probably just one more reason for their boss's lack of wrath. But they both knew that such benevolence was about as rare as an eclipse, and they should tread carefully for quite a while.

“But I thought you knew who the mole was.”

“No. I just knew it was a woman. A busty brunette, that’s how Lehne had talked about her to his employees. I actually thought it was Sophia for a while…”

“Well that explains why you killed Genevieve but not Chad or Tom.”

Jared had refused to let Jensen drive himself home, which probably was a good thing since he had been awake for two days straight and had sat in Jared’s car without his back touching the seat. They headed to Jared’s apartment, because it took security clearance level four to know where Jensen lived. Jared had never been there, but he didn’t complain. It had taken all his self restraint not to hug Jensen unconscious when things were over. But considering his injuries he probably would have lost consciousness through the pain after only a few seconds.

They had showered, and Jensen flinched as the towel slid over his back. Jared hovered behind him as Jensen slowly made his way to the bed, Jared’s eyes skimming over the naked skin. Jensen’s back was mapped by different shades of black, blue, purple, pink and orange. Two fist sized bruises on his ribs were already turning green around the edges. Those were the residue of the pistol-slugs that had torn into the light Kevlar two days ago. But they nearly faded from existence beside the three black and purple marks from the rifle rounds. They were the size of Jared's hand since the energy from the bullets was spread out across the material of the vest to slow the lead down enough to keep it from tearing into the flesh. Jensen walked stiffly over and sat down on the bed. Jared would have carried him, but as long as the other man was anything close to conscious he would not have any of it.

“No. Genni was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Chad is damn good at impersonating a rabbit and Tom… well when I got to Tom I already knew it was a woman, yes. How’s Chad anyway?”

“He’ll be restricted to running Com, until his leg is good to go again, but I don’t think he’s taken it personally.”

“That’s good.”

Jared sat down next to Jensen and got out bandages and a medical salve for hematoma. He slid behind Jensen, his legs resting on either side of him and poured some of the creamy white salve onto his palm. At his first touch Jensen flinched, but his muscles relaxed as Jared’s hand started gliding over the bruises in ghostly movements trying to put as little pressure as possible on them. “Is that okay?”

Jensen nodded as his breathing deepened a little despite the hurt ribs.

They sat there in silence for a while, Jared spreading the creamy substance over Jensen’s body. As his hands glided deeper to the bruise around Jensen’s kidney and lower back, Jared’s forehead came to rest on the other man’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I hit you. It was unfair.”

Jensen’s head tilted to the side, so his temple was resting on Jared’s hair. “It’s alright. You had every right to. I was an asshole to you…” Jensen hesitated for a moment before he let his head fall forwards. “But you have to understand that I had no choice in this matter. I wanted to trust you, but I couldn’t. It wasn’t because of you, but because I didn’t know which of the people around us would try to play you against me.”

Jared's hands had stopped moving, coming to rest on Jensen’s hips. “I know… It’s just that I couldn’t stand back and watch them kill you like some rabid dog. I couldn’t.”

“I know.” Jensen kept his head lowered, his voice calm and silent. “This is getting way out of control, Jared.”

Jared raised his head frowning. “What are you talking about?”

Jensen took a deep breath. “Jared… you know that the protocol ordered me to kill every agent on sight. Like I did with Genevieve. Letting you go was a huge risk.”

“But I’d never betray you.”

“I know. But you don’t get it, right? Had it been anyone but you I’d have killed him right there. No questions asked. You’re becoming my weakness, and when Morgan thinks that this will influence our work then we might be in really big trouble.” Jensen turned his head to look at Jared; his green eyes were guarded and unreadable. But still Jared knew what Jensen was trying to tell him.

“No, Jensen. You are not ending this. I won’t let you. We are together how often? A couple of times every few months? We are careful, and Morgan doesn’t know that I found you before tonight, and that you didn’t kill me. All he knows is that I have a weak spot for you, and I had that from day one, you all knew that. You used it against me a couple of times.”

“I’m sorry about that.” Jared knew that he probably really was, and that was all he needed to hear. His arms sneaked around Jensen’s waist, hands fanned over his stomach, and his chin came to rest on the shoulder in front of him again. But he didn’t pull Jensen against his chest mindful of his injuries.

“Let’s not think about it, okay? Let’s just keep doing what we’re doing; there's no need to panic. They got what they wanted. The bad guy is dead, Sandy is dead, and the information was destroyed.”

“I’m sorry you had to kill Sandy. I know you two were kinda friends.”

“Why? She sold you out. She sold all of us out. Maybe I do have scruples at times, but she didn’t. She didn’t hesitate to kill you, when she thought you’d exposed her. She would have killed me as well if she thought I’d be a threat. That’s not what friends do. She tricked us all.”

“Not anymore.”

Jared felt Jensen's skin beneath his fingers shiver. The room was cosily warm, and, by the tired lines that showed on the older man’s face, it was due to exhaustion rather than a chill. Jared scooted backwards a little and grabbed a bandage, starting to wrap Jensen’s ribs carefully, making him flinch and hiss when his knuckles would brush over a bruise or his hands came in contact with the black mark over his kidney.

When he was done he helped Jensen into a T-shirt - one of Jared’s, which made Jensen look smaller than he actually was - and settled back into the bed pulling the covers free. “You know, I think this is the first time we've slept together without actually sleeping together.” Jared grinned at Jensen as the other man slid under the covers, trying to find a comfortable position. With the state Jensen was in at that moment neither of the men would even dare to think about sex, and that was quite all right with Jared. The fact that they both were still alive was all he needed right now.

“Lie back.”

Jared complied with the quiet order and lay on his back. Jensen lay down on his stomach with slow and careful moves. He rested his head in the crook of Jared’s neck, his arm draped across the broad chest, lying half on half off Jared’s body, legs tangled. Jared pulled the covers over them and let his arm rest on Jensen’s shoulder. Normally Jared was the cuddler of the two but tonight he just reveled in the feeling of Jensen snuggling up to him. Soon Jared felt Jensen’s breath evening out as the older man fell asleep. Before Jared drifted off as well he had to wonder how he could hide the feelings he had for the other man as they were growing every day. But he knew they needed to be wary of anyone finding out or this could end in nothing but blood and tears.

- episode end -

>>to the prequel: THIRD PARTY RIPOFF

A/N: FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!!! I need that! I was kinda disappointed by the weak reactions to the BIG third chapter, so you kinda owe me more this time!

, mandatory refusal, j2au, fanfiction

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