Ficlet: Falling out of Reality
Fandom: J2
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Words: 655
Warnings: Epilepsy, seizure, serious h/c (if you ask me)
for hc_bingo prompt seizures
Summary: Jensen can feel it coming and all he wants if for Jared to be there when he wakes up...
Falling Out Of Reality )
Comments 11
I wish my Epilepsy were like that. that is one of the reasons I can't drive, I never know when mine's are coming and I do shake, bite my tongue the whole works and I won't even remember I had one if noones tells me.
Still I just like the approach of this story and how well you wrote it.
Your kind of epilepsy sucks. :/ I decided to go for a rare but less violent form that just has them space out completely for minutes to hours. Some people also have a weird form where they start talking or doing crazy things...
Anyway, I'm rambling, sorry.
*hugs* Birdie
That was very good and amaizing.
Girl u are pretty good at this *nods*.
P.S. i cant wait to read the next chapter of the werewolf story.
I am currently going through the beta of chapter 3, so I can post it tomorrow ;)
Okay - blabbering!
Very interresting ficlet. I would love to read a whole long story of epilepsy!Jensen....
Thanks... oh god the amount of bunnies......
Sooo how was your early x-mas with Amaya? btw, did I ever tell you that that might be one of the most beautiful names I've ever heard?
I really enjoyed celebrating with Amaya. :-) I am sure I will post a LONG post tomorrow.. too tired now. I have pictures of course!
:-) Thanks. I love the name! *grin* Which might be why I agreed on calling our daughter that (it was ex-hubby's suggestion. His cousin is called Amaya, which is how we knew about the name. It's not at all common in Norway (it's a basque name)
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