Ficlet: Cluster-F*ck

Dec 12, 2010 21:32

Ficlet: Cluster-F*ck
Fandom: Supernatural
Words: 530
Warnings: errrm, character death with immediate timeloop back to life?
for hc_bingo prompt accident
Summary: Stamp to "Mystery Spot". Dean has a really bad day (or so Sam says)... and the bad breakfast might just be the death of him.

Cluster-F*ck )

supernatural, bingo, fanfiction

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Comments 2

stjra December 19 2010, 03:15:57 UTC

I can't get enough of timestamps to this episode, I'm such a horrible person!

Great job, very cool (make that hot) death scene! :P


insane_songbird December 19 2010, 09:59:05 UTC
Hehehe... a friend and I started writing Dean's death scenes for this ep a while ago trying to get all 100 days that Sam spoke off. We only got like a dozen but I thought this one was maybe the best and it deserved to be posted ;)


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