Aug 10, 2005 14:30
LMAO! At 10 today, I went for my faggit interview, dressed up all fancy pantsy. As I was entering, I seen Lindsey, well I thought I did, so I backed up, and sure enough there she was, apparently I made her laugh over it. gosh.
Anywhore, after I waited 10 minuits, she decieded to go in the back for a while, making her 15 minuits late... so I waited, then waited, then finally she came out. She asked me some very strange questions like:
"What would you do if you were going to a formal even or metting and you were in jeans?"
"Whats a recent situation that one of your peers was in trouble?"
"What if you did something wrong that you could get away with now but later it might catch up with you"
"What if you saw someone doing something wrong, like stealing"
"Sometimes we deal with angry costomers, what would you do if someone was complaining about you or someone else?"
"What would you do if you forgot a part of your uniform"
"What if someone was complaining about another employee, what would you do?"
LMAO, there was never anything about serving, it was all, "What have you done in past situations" or "What would you do if..." GOSH. She also spelt apologize by putting "apolise". Smart kid.
Anyways, I shall find out soon how that went, I don`t think I got it at all, I was horrible, but at least I tried.
WOAH BREAKING NEWS, lmao, she just called me, TRAINING TOMORROW FROM 10 UNTIL 2. LMAO, that should be interesting, wait, thats fucking 4 hours, "...and then this is how you spread the butter", oh gosh, that should be quite the sight to see.
Now I must go get some shoes from Wal-Mart for it...shit. They are a special kind, I couldn`t tell what she was saying though, shes foreign. Oh and also, her name is like Noorann?