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Aug 01, 2005 20:18

today was pretty fun.. me and karli went downtown and we met up with my friend D. that i havent seen in like 2 years. we walked on top of the rideau centre and we walked around downtown and we hung out on the grass and D. climbed trees:P and this guy came up and was talkin about terrorism and a bunch of other stuff.. but ya i duno even what he was talking about.. none of us really did i think lol then we were going to hang out in ottawa u and on the way D's gf saw us so we chilled with her in there and then we went back to her appartment and played pool and then me and karli headed home cause it was gettin pretty late and we were tired.. its amazing how much fun you can actually have downtown with out spending money.. i love downtown!:) anyways im off for now
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