(no subject)

Sep 10, 2007 13:48

I hate angry meat eaters. It makes me angry. today at lunch a guy form class attacked me for not eating meat. We are a small class so most of us eat lunch together and i was eating my veggie burger and fries, when all of a sudden "I hate vegetarians, its so stupid." and for some reason everyone around me agreed with him and they all know im a vegetarian, im proud i dont eat meat its not an easy feat. Honestly if you ask someone who isn't a vegetarian to go without any kind of meat for a week they act like its the death penalty. He said "if we weren't meant to eat meat we wouldnt have incisors." and i said "its a personal choice im not forcing it on you and i dont care that you eat meat thats your choice." he was like "its ok for health reasons but, not for not wanting to kill things reason, you kill thinks everyday, you kill bugs dont you." i said "No why would i kill a bug live and let live, it cant hurt me" him "well you kill grass when you walk on it and kill the ozone when you drive." Umm you dont kill grass when you walk on it jackass and i would walk to school if it was nearer and i would like to own a hybrid, but i cant afford it, im also all for car pooling. Then a friend interrupted the conversation because we both realized it was going nowhere and was really stupid conversation. But the dude was all heated and yelling and i was all relaxed in my answers so i liked seeing him get even more upset with how laid back i was acting. But i really don't understand what gets people so upset with the fact that i dont want or need to kill an animal to eat. Calm down my non meat eating is hurting anyone or anything whats the big deal.
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