Right, so summer. It certainly is.
I'm back in the old hole that is cornwall. not much has changed except my friends have becme worse drunks and make me more depressed. My solution of course is to A. spend my time drinking with them so I'm on an equally uncaring playing feild, and B. get out of here as quick as possible, whenever possible.
I've been spending a lot of time with my old friend Dan. Dan is remarkable creative, thoughtful, and the biggest lush I know. Our adventures are beginning to verge on Thompson-esque. The other night He and I got a cab home with some other people. We get to Dan's house and he has the money for his and mine's share of the cab to give to our friend. He has this money in his hand, and then decides he doesn't want to pay. I kid you not a three way fight Dan VS. our friend James and eventualy my self ensues in the back of the cab. This culminated in Dan hanging halfway out of the cab, slapping James in the face while I was leaning over James beatting Dan across the head so he'd give up the money. This is on par for my adventures lately.
essentialy I'm broke most of the time. I come up with money for the important things, shows, food, and booze. outside of that my chief source of entertainment has been hiking. New trails have been opened here, and I'm enjoying them. Hada run in with some one who's house was near the parking-lot for one trail. Dan was with me, and we were trying to leave. I was only doing 15 MPH down the road, not fast at all. The woman ran out of her house and started to scream at me to slow down. Suddenly I hear a noise and look over to see Dan half out the window fliping off the woman. AWSOME....
In other news I just read Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. I found it a very fun, quick read. Essentialy its Alice in Wonderland, meats Steam Punk meets The heros tale, all roled together with Gaiman's unique ability to make what should be mundane passages amussing. I recomend the book. I also recomend looking up the comic that Vertigo comics put out. Its doesn't completely hold to the story, but the art is absolutely wonderful. The funny thing is that both the book and comic stemed from Neverwhere being a miniseries Neil Gaiman wrote and worked on for the BBC back in the 90's. Its on youtube-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MVDN2rSRycThe only thing is that its a bit dated, but that never stops me.
Lets see, lets see... Well my dear oldest sister is now married. That was a whole lot of fun, and I had the hangover to prove it. Seriously though, i'm happy for Jess and Dave.
I'm heading to Albany tonight to catch some punkbands with the singer from my band. Should be good fun. If anything else interesting happens I promiss I'll forget to tell you for a good while.