Well, don’t I have a little story. Last night, lj wouldn’t let me see my updates or log onto my username. Me, being the highly strung and stressful person in any form of crisis, made myself another journal and set it all up just in case. I had been wanting to switch journals for a while now [I dislike this username immensely], but have been too lazy to do so. Anyhow, after a good nights sleep, I come back to see my updates from last night and a private one from Saar that made me all giddy. So, not wanting to spoil the fun, I’m officially moving over to my new one, even though this appears to be working just fine now. I’m not going to do one of those ‘if you’re on my friends list and you don’t reply to this, then you’re not added’ runs, I cant be bothered. I am going to give you all a ‘hey I got a new journal blah blah blah’ messages though, so never fear.
Insane Dorkette - it’s been fun.
New journal -
gotmest Hit me up