Ramen Nobichau!! Diet Hajime! and other Babbly things

Aug 15, 2011 19:07

God, I-pin stop pestering me. I don't know how to get rid of her voice in my head. But her incessant annoying me at least keeps my muses awake. I've been listening to too much KHR Chara Songs I think. She's invaded my brain too much. I am listening to Ramen Nobichau over and over again. I-pin get out!!

I-pin: I-pin will not! I-pin will sing!

Well, I tried to listen to that because I was flailing about Gokudera's Yell too much. Ichinose wins at life. He's so smexy and  pretty and so Gokudera. ( he is the seiyuu after all) and the song is really my type of song. :D So, thats another plus. God, I'm listening to Yell again and flailing at the way he rolls his R's. I'm such a fangirl.

*melts* He's such a man. A manly man and he's older than me. (Ichinose, not the character)

So far though I have plots about him. He's a character I know well, after all. :D Im hoping that I get to finish Figlio dela tempesta finally and the plotted novel.

Original Muses also are alive. :) I havent really written anything decent lately as I have been extremely tired lately, but I have been good in plotting. Maybe one time, i will finally have the focus to write

Right now, the VARIA Arc is calling to me
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