Feb 12, 2007 15:37
uhmm let's see.. felt like crap at work.. stomache decided to bother me this morning.. well last night.. and this morning, and at work.. but I didn't actually leave work early, I opened and was schduled off at 2pm.. keep in mind that's because I am schduled for 6 out of 7 days this week, and the day that I am not on, is just because the place is closed.
anyway.. home bored.. head kind of hurts.. uhmm read friend's LJs.. read some myspace posts.. slight amusement.. did a little txt'ing, but I assume most people are busy.. Need more attention damnit!
what else.. oh yeah liking the new hitchhiker's mp3s I have.. Let me know if anyone else needs them..
hmm some other "feelings" yeah... what else is new..
hope to see my friend on her birthday next week, but still not sure how to make travel.. also other plans week after that for races.. we shall she how all of this and other exciting or not things unfold in the next episode of insane's live journal.
for now..
So long..