(no subject)

May 14, 2006 21:32

title- A Night in Wambire Castle
rating- who knows(i have no idea where this story's going)
disclaimer- i don't own bam or ville(but if i did...-evil smirk-) and this is fiction written only for fun so don't sue. i'm broke any how, so the only thing you'll get out of me is the lent and paperclip that's in my pocket, maybe a quarter if your lucky.
summary-bam drags ville with him to Dracula's castle to spend the night because he made a bet with Ryan Dunn aka Random Hero. crazyness ensues.
author's note- bam and ville are still just friends when the story starts, but hopefully not when it ends. he he

in case you didn't know already, i'm new here and this is like my first vam fic ever. so if this story totally sucks i'm terribly sorry, but please let me know of the suckyness. comments are luv, people.


"Bam, sweetheart, remind me again why the HELL we're spending the whole freaking night locked up in Dracula's Castle when we could be getting drunk at the hotel's minibar," Ville asked vexed while they sped along the long curvy highyway, staying at a minimum speed of 120 mph.
"Because, Willa, we're in fucking Romania and what's the point of being here if you don't go to the castle of the infamous Vlad the Impaler. Besides, Random Hero bet me five-hundred dollars and you know me well enough to know that i wasn't about to leave you out of the fun", Bam answered while continueing speeding  down the road as rain pored down on the windshield.
(Yay for me.)
"What does five-hundred dollars matter to you, you're a freakin millionaire incase you haven't noticed, Bam Bam."
"It's not about the money, i've never chickened out of a bet and i'm not about to."
"so i've noticed", Ville muttered to himself as he lay his head against the cold glass of the window while looking out into the night as the rain continued to pelt down on the glass
"Awwww, is poor baby Willa Walo scared", Bam asked while speaking in his baby voice which he knew always annoyed the shit out of Ville .
Ville promptly responded by looking over at him and showing a certain finger.
"Willa!! I'm shocked. I'm your bestest friend," Bam said in mock horror.
(I guess that's all i'll ever be to you...a friend)
Ville giggled at the look on his "friend's" face as he continued to pretend offeneded.
"No Bam, I'm terribly excited about being locked in a castle where a man that was believed to be a vampire lived and tortured and masaqured people by impaling them on sticks and then dipping his bread into goblet full of their blood."
"So you're saying you're afraid of vampires.This coming from the Dark Gothic Prince himself who wrote the song 'Wambire Fart'."
"Oh please, Bammie, vampires don't exist. It's the ghosts i'm worried about, i'm sure that place is full of them.", Ville said starting to get a troubled look on his face.
(God he's hot when he's nervous, chewing on those gorgeous full lipsof his. I wish I was the one chewing on that lip...among other things. Dude, stop thinking about that you pervert, guys aren't supposed to be hot, remember. You're straight for christ sake!)
"Don't worry Ville, i'll protect you," Bam proclaimed placing his hand on Ville's shoulder as a comforting gesture
"Thanks a lot Bammie", Ville said sarcastically, but smiling none the less
The purple Lambo continued the long drive through the storm that seemed to be geting worse as they neared the castle. Bam and Ville went back to their own thoughts and the car ride once again returned to silence....well, except for the blaring sound of the 69 Eyes.
After what felt like hours later, but was actually only twenty minutes, the Lambo turned onto a twisty driveway that led up to the sinester castle. It went uphill for quite awhile but then stopped if front of a gothic gate with intricate designs and of course gargoyles with gnarled and twisted faces. But what lay beyond those terrifying faces was much worse. A half mile away they could see the ominous Castle Dracula light up when the lightning flashed behind it. It seemed to stare straight down at them with all it's horrific glory, causing them both to tremble. 
"Oh shit"

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