Introductory Post

May 16, 2007 18:56

Name:  Hannah

Age:  16

How long have you been reading VC?:  since sixth grade...however i did see 'Interview With the Vampire' when i was four

Which books have you read?: all of them : ]

Who's your favorite character, and why?:  ug, hard decision....i think i'll have to go with Lestat though; i have a thing for rockstars lol. Claudia would have to be my close second though because i think that she is very misunderstood and all my friends are like "god i hate that little whiny bitch"....excuse the french. but yeah, if i was stuck in a child's body forever i'd be a little whiny and bitchy too.

Who's your LEAST favorite character and why?: probably Daniel and i don't really have a reason for it but he just kinda gets on my nerves.

What's your favorite VC book? Why?: Blackwood Farm : ] i just think that it's an amazing story and the way she's written it makes it seem really believable even though most that stuff would never happen...I would think. sometimes i wonder if i had an evil twin? i also love Quinn to death for some reason. this book was the first Anne Rice book i'd ever read and it really got me addicted : ]

What's your LEAST favorite VC book? Why?: Memnoch the was just a tad bit too religious for my taste. it was rather interesting though and by no means was it terrible.

If you could change one thing about the series, what would it be?: change it so that there could be hot vampire sex   not a thing : ]

this seems like an awesome community and i'm glad to have found it!

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