standing at the gate of the reservoir.
smoking a fat joint before going home to write. the world smells like crazy shit this night. a clogged nose and the breath of fire lies still in the air. the water is bad. geese fly over my head to warn me that the police are coming. or so i believe. the police drive by. people and their dogs walk by me pretending not to know how fucked up this world will be. explosions. murdering actors. robberies foiled. everybody's dying these days. this is all so silly. so stressed. the war doesnt make sense anymore. give me two dollars so i can ride the train. give me all the money so my rent can get paid. i wanna go to paris later this winter. i cant afford to go if christmas never comes. where has my ambien gone. repeating my thoughts. giving me unfavorable dreams. i want my warm womb back. i have to start laughing again. i feel bad for everybody.
that's when it all hit me.
joy to the world! the Lord Jesus has come!