I'm (Not) Okay Drabble

Dec 08, 2011 22:45

Title:I'm (Not) Okay
Rating: PG-13?
Pairing: YooSu
Summary: Junsu Knew.

“Hey Jae, Can you help me look over this song I have been working on?” The baritone asked quietly in a deep voice, before the later nodded.

Junsu watched as Jaejoong followed his lover into the recording room, hearing a small click, the door being locked. Why didn’t Yoochun ever ask him for help? He was just as good at composing as Jaejoong. He knew. He wasn’t as stupid as he looked. He didn’t even bother to hold the tears in his eyes, because he knew they wouldn’t be coming out for a few hours.

He felt selfish. He knew that after they left their other two beloved members that Jae needed Yoochun, his soulmate. He knew, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. Why couldn’t his hyung come to him too for comfort? Jaejoong is not the only one hurting. He knew this was unreasonable, but he needed Yoochun too, and he had been neglecting him.

The red head didn’t realize he had fallen asleep on the couch until Yoochun whispered in his ear “Come love, let’s go to bed.” The smell of vanilla shampoo filled his nose, and he knew he had showered to disguise the smell of sex.

He stood ignoring the hand Yoochun was holding out for him and walked down the hall to their shared bedroom, crawling into bed and facing the wall. Not soon after he felt the bed dip, and a warm body pressed against his, lips against the back of his neck, and an arm wrapped around his waist. “Good night baby.” The baritone whispered.

Junsu began to shake, and tears attacked him once more, Yoochun noticed and pushed at his lover until he could face him. The baritone wiping gently at the tears on his lover’s face.

“What is it love?” He asked concern filled his voice.

Junsu just shook his head, and let more tears fall before choking out a sob.

“I... can’t to this …. anymore. Yoochun.”

pairing:yoochun/junsu, drabble:i'm (not) okay)

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