Challenge #7

Jan 02, 2011 10:05

I know I said this would be up yesterday and I'm sorry; life got in the way. But here's our first challenge of the new year, everyone! I hope you're as excited as us mods are!

Challenge #7: Limitations Version 1.0

This challenge is similar to the first challenge we did here at inrevelations in that it's an open challenge. You can use anything you want for prompts and you can request any kind of story! The catch? You cannot have romantic love as the main plot point in your story. Meaning you can have brief mentions of a significant other, but it cannot be the basis of your story. We want these stories to focus on platonic or familial love. Or no love at all! Have it be a story about hatred, if you want! But make sure that the focus of your story is not romantic love.

- Withlist forms must be in by January 13th. If your wishlist is posted after that time, it will not be included in the assignment e-mails.
- As far as unfulfilled assignments go, we're starting with a clean slate so you don't have to worry about whether or not you'll be able to do this challenge.
- We will get your assignments out as quickly as possible.
- Also, don't forget to tag your posts correctly!

And, for easy copy/pastaing for wishlists, have a handy dandy coding!

E-Mail Address:


Three (3) prompts max. Prompts can be anything: music, a photograph, a quote, etc just be sure to give credit when/if you can.

What I can do: What you feel you are able to write well, so we may pair you with an assignment that fits your criteria.

What I can't do: The opposite of above

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! Either comment here or e-mail one of the mods and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! ( E-mails can be found here.)

challenge #7: limitations 1.0 (issuance), !modpost

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