Summer time lovin'

Jul 21, 2004 17:18

My summer.

I love my tan.
I love how I got a job.
I love how -he- said he wants to come visit.
I love how he kissed me on the last night I was there.
I love how I got to spend time with my best friend.
I love how I met cool new people.
I love how he locked his fingers into mine.
I love how he said "I'm really going to miss you".
I love how my smile on my face has been genuine.
I love how we drove around at all hours of the night, and when my bff wanted to go home because she worked early in the morning, he's drive me back.
I love how I still have another month of summer left.
I love the parties we went to.
I love how once, we had a lineup of 17 cars driving to the middle of nowhere to party it up.
I love how she's coming to visit me soon.
I love how I've met some really great people from around here.
I love the concerts I've gone to.
I love how i'm going to have money when I go on vacation to shop.
I love how I had an amazing time there.
I love how I'm going to try and get back there soon.
I love how me and ang have gotten closer.
I love how I feel.

I love summer.

I hate how I haven't hung out with many people from around here.
I hate how I had to come back early because of my fucking job.
I hate how I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to.
I hate leaving -him- behind.
I hate not knowing whether he's actually coming or not.
I hate feeling nervous about him coming.
I hate that I found out that my best friend is a pothead.
I hate that I can't do anything about it, because I live 9 1/2 hours away.
I hate how he smokes weed.
I hate how I actually can kinda look past that he smokes weed.
I hate feeling this confused.
I hate how my best friend seems closer to some of her other friends then we are.
I hate how my best friend doesn't tell me whats going on in her life, unless it's good.
I hate her boyfriend.
I hate how it keeps raining.
I hate not being able to sleep good because, even though it's raining, it's still hot.
I hate how I got locked outta her house one night.
I hate how she's not coming on vacation with me.
I hate how I only have one more month of summer left.
I hate how I don't live there still.

I love summer.

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