Flash Forward February

Jan 31, 2008 23:29

On the verge on 02/01/08 and my how time has passed since my last entry.  I don't think anybody reads these things anymore, but as the computer is closer than my sketch journal, I think this is a preferable option for the time being.  :)

Things are going well!  Over a long relationship, five applications to law school completed, a promotion and raise under my belt, and the prospect of buying a house on the horizon.  Never too early to invest! :-D  Additionally, I have even started a 401K!  It isn't much now, but hopefully by the time I want to utilize it interest will have worked its wonders.  I have been taking voice lessons and even had a solo perofrmance at Spivey Hall.  To top it all off, I just bought myself a new cashmere argyle sweater that goes well with my eyes and a night of facials, pedicures, and bubble bath bliss.

I hope all things start to go this smoothly. :)
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