My Poor Abused LJ!

Feb 21, 2005 18:54

Well my goodness. If it hasn't been forever and a century since I have written in you. I am sure my little journal, that nobody will read this, as it has been quite long since I have dared find time for you. Now the only reason I confess that I can manage is merely my best procrastination yet. Besides, typing is so much easier than writing in the regular journal. :)
Things are well. Busy- incredibly busy, but good. I keep trying to take everything in. You know, soak it all up before graduation. I apparently have less than 75 days according to one person's count. That freightens me and makes me so excited at the same time. I hate feeling so confused, but I suppose it is inevitable with something so determinant in one's life. A year off, probably as a JCSC, then law school for three years. That's another four years that I will be hundreds of miles, literally, away from home. Futher than yet. And while it seems like the biggest challenge yet, it also seems like the tiniest detail that I don't mind in the least. I do worry about the family though. So much seems to be going on right now. I am rather angry with dad, and feel bad for all the stress mom and Megan are dealing with. I love them sooo much. But I think I might just have to get away from everything if I want to accomplish all I need to. Bleh. I hate that thought. Let's write about something else, hunh lj?
In other news, life has been pretty amazing lately. I am trying to take things easier (doctor's orders to be less stressed) and have been taking every chance that I can. You live only once, and I am determined to live as much as possible. A little crazy? Of course I have been. It's been a blast. Cali, you were mostly my partner in crime. ;) She knows it all. Mwa HA HA. Two words for you chica: P&Chicken and HOUSTIN!!!! OK- this thing is getting a lot longer than I thought. Bleh- reality calls. I'll check ya later lj. Take it easy! YO!
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