Mar 01, 2005 13:55
hello there. i havent updated in a while...which proves that i dont stick to ANYTHING that im not forced to. eg. i was forced (both kinda by my mum...mostly cuz of my own guilt) to keep learning piano even tho i hated it...well i dont hate it..i hated my teacher and how much i sucked at it. and i am NOT forced to do this, therefore i cant be bothered to do it. but then again im doing it so...i dont know where that leaves me...
anyway since my last entry i have been accepted into arts, decided that i didnt want to waste a year doing a pointless (no offence emma) arts degree so i applied for second round for science so i could do science/arts. got accepted into that and yesterday went to my first ever lecture. or lectures. and many of them there were.
to prove this, my day went something like this:
arrived at uni at 730 AM!! AM!!!! i havent been up that early since school...and that was 3 bloody months ago....i had began to think that that time had ceased to exist!!! anyway i realised that i new exactly where my lecture was and didnt wanna be a bogan nerd and arrive a half hour early for my lecture. so i then decided to walk the LONG way around the great court. the funny thing is that by taking the long way around, i arrived at the lecture theatre only ten minutes early! it was great!
i then met up with 2 girls who i knew (yay!!) and we sat down in the lecture theatre and chatted as you do. the lecturer was up the front (as he would be) and telling the late ppl to get these handout things when he FELL OFF THE STAGE HE WAS STANDING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA man that was so funny! ..cuz i was sitting towards the back and i couldnt really see over the ppls heads in front of me it just looked like he had disappeared with an *oomph*. and he had his mike on. man it was hilarious!
the lecture ran over time so i had to RUN to my music techniques lecture. which pretty much consisted of the lecturer (who seemed like a nice guy telling us that that note is C and guess what the next note is?? thats rite! D!! and so on
then i went to my biology lecture where i met 2 very nice girls from dalby and toowoomba. yay! julia has new friends! the lecturer was funny looking... ok to give you a visual, picture santa about 35 with no grey hair....ok now picture him the size of an elf. and thats my lecturer. nice guy tho
then i ran again to my music techniques aural was great! made a new friend!! yay! and the whole lecture we basically sing so its AWESOME! i love it.
then i had an hour break during which i managed to see basically everyone from school...well not everyone but a LOT of people. and i had my salad roll on flat bread that i made that morning. yes. thats right! i MADE MY OWN LUNCH. be proud. and it wasnt CRAP that i usually eat!
then i had my final lecture. music history...baroque. could it BE anymore BORING!!!!!!! my god. and there is SOOOOOOOOO MUCH to learn. but i have to do it cuz you cant do any other music courses without having completed these 2. which sucks.
after my completely exhausting first day i decided doing 5 courses (chem, biology, music history, music techniques and media studies) is completely ridiculous so i have dropped media studies and am doing 2 film and television courses next semester and not doing any music. should be good!
it also means that i am completely free on tuesday (apart from a music tut...and probs chem and biol ones too) and thursday! yay! yay for great timetables! go me!
i think i shall start updating this again more regularly...yeah i will.