
Feb 12, 2010 08:54

Why the hell did they pick Arnold Shwarzenegger to run with the torch? I don't care what kind of relationship he has with B.C.... and no offense to American's... but this is OUR moment in the spotlight. I think we should all get together and tackle him as he runs by and run his bit ourselves. Since I'm from Manitoba though someone else will have to do it. Good luck with that. LOL

I am still curious as to who will run last. I really thought it would be Terry Fox's mom. I think that would have been perfect. Then they said it was going to be Gretzky but I just read that it wouldn't be. Although they may just be saying that to keep it a surprise. I thought maybe it would be Michael J Fox but I don't know with his condition if he could even carry it. Rick Hansen would have been another good choice, but he's already ran. Well not ran... but you know what I mean.

Who do you think it will be?

I posted that really not so great but catchy and quite informative song a while back, "Oh Canada". They came out with a video now that is also pretty bad lol. But I'm going to post it anyway seeing as this is a big day for Canadian's and it's the only song I really know of that is filled with Canadian pride. Other than our anthem of course. I think only us Canadian's will 'get' the first and last part of this video.

Canadian's rock!!!

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