Jul 04, 2004 00:58
Orientation was awesome, so many hot chicks. Now I understand the high StD rate, it's just too concentrated an area. Damn I'm taking 17 hrs. I'm an idiot. But i'm gonna take FENCING, yeah the swords it's gonna be fun. Maybe a frat and some hispanic club, business club, definitely golf, maybe join a band ultimately. I got my ID made with my shaggy hair it looks bad ass. And the night I stayed there the radio station was handing out free music. I got a lot of metal, it was decent, and a Franz Ferdinand demo, they're suprisingly good. Hell maybe I can be a DJ at that radio station.
But yeah today I shaved my head, I'm tired of the long thick ass hair. Now I look like a gay prep. The haircut lady was weird she cut hair so slow, and she used this razor towards the end, that bitch scraped my scalp at least 5 times. Damn native americans, go to your casinos and drink everclear. But yeah my head looks like a dick, and my ears look bigger.
At night me chris and ian went to the driving range. And when we were packing our clubs to leave this asshole that worked there said "You have to eave NOW, we are closed." That piece of shit he should be shot! THere was a cop behind him so I just continued on my way. Later we hung out with Keith, who was at Bobby's house with a huge stash of beer. We bought fireworks and lit them behind forest ridge. We were also burning scorpions and gassing porta-potties. Fun.
So yeah pretty soon I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled out, it's gonna hurt, and they gave me Vicatin, should I stay straight and refuse it? I don't know even if I don't take the heroin substitute, I have to take the other three cause they're for the swelling and what not. So i'm gonna get drugged up regardless. It's for my own good so I think I'm gonna take them. I feel like I'm talking to myself.