Aug 26, 2004 11:58
Well, the seemingly impossible is finished! On Monday morning, I submitted my dissertation. It was titled, "Electronic Marketing within UK Performing Arts Organisations: What is Available and What Works". Thanks to the lovely Kay and my father for staying up and proof-reading it. I think it's fairly good with only a few minor 'hmm' spots.
Now, all I have left for the course is a 'viva voce' (oral exam) where I get to 'defend' my thesis. I'm not too worried about that, as I know my subject quite well and have a load of supporting documentation. This will be in late Septemeber.
A week from today, Tony, Jason, David, and I go to Thailand for 3 weeks. We arrive in Bangkok, then go to Chaig Mai, then Chaing Rai, then Pattaya. Afterwards, I'm back in England for 2 weeks, then on to Amsterdam to visit Geordi. Pop should be meeting me there and then he and I plan on touring around the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and France. We've thought about renting a car for the trip, which should be good fun... *vroom, vroom, autoban here we come*
In late October, I'm back in the USA for a few months. I do want to come back to the UK though, London is home. But, I need to get some closure on things in Georgia and do miss my family and friends. It'll be really good to see them again after such a long time away.
But, now I need to start packing my flat up. I move out of the res halls on Sunday. I'll be staying with Tony before/after Thailand, but my mobile is the same and goes with me wherever I go.