(no subject)

Sep 24, 2005 12:10

hi livejournal!
dear jessamy are you going to ted leo? if so we will go to my apartment (which is 2 minutes away) between every band and take shots of kron and booze.

point form update
- my new apartment is OKAY, it's pretty small and the ceilings are low but its cheap, utilities are included and we have free cable!
- i was supposed to have the internet last week but i couldn't get it to work so sympatico said they'd call me back within a week after they figure out whats wrong, and its been over a week NO CALL this is really annoying, i NEED the internet for school. i hate doing my assignments in the computer lab surrounded by some single mom's children who are using the computers to play games while shes in class and yelling and screaming in my ear.
- i hate george brown! i think it's a pretty shitty school, it's 1 million times worse than algonquin, the staff is so rude and the maintenance staff must suck because there always seems to be water on the floor which has made me SLIP and FALL like 3 times in front of all the gangstas that go there. although i hate the school - i think i'll stay, i'm pretty happy with my program and that once i finish in 2 years i can transfer int0 3rd year at certain universities.
- one thing i like about school is making friends with people i normally wouldn't be friends with, i really like my new nerd friend Damien and my newly landed indian friend Manu! Oh and filipe who was wearing his "Did you know I rap? Well now you do!" shirt.
- i got osap and a 3000 dollar busary
- i want to start going out more and getting drunk. weed makes me so anti-social, it's fine to smoke at home after a long day at skewl, but i may as well take a sleeping pill over smoking weed @ a party.
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