Day Four (Yes, this is getting ridiculous. A month later, I know.)
Appropriate Sanctuary icon is appropriate. This is the day that I thought would basically suck (because it was the end of the weekend), and I ended up having a GREAT time.
I got up fairly early, packed all my crap, and took it down to be held at guest services. (Which was FREE. Thank you, Hyatt. Free is every college student's best friend.) Then I headed over to the Marriott for the last Stargate panel of the weekend.
I had a really GREAT seat for this panel. I was on the right section, second row, aisle seat. Good angle for picture/video taking. Sadly, I don't have a lot of comments about this panel. It was kind of... weird. For the most part, everyone was wonderful, but you could tell they were ready to go home. They just chatted about their favorite episodes, their favorite episodes for their particular characters, their favorite directors, etc. Jason Momoa was hung over and basically acted like an ass (my opinion). Rachel Luttrell is still the sweetest thing ever. Gary Jones and Colin Cunningham were hilarious, as always. And Paul McGillion still owns my heart. Seriously, expect wedding bells any day now.
Paul did an impression of drunk!Jason. It was funny, and Jason whined. "Quit picking on me!"
Jason then made fun of Paul's adorable Scottish way of saying, "Thank you!"
After the Stargate panel, I got out of the ballroom as quickly as possible because I wanted to reenter the same room for the Battlestar Galactica panel. I was trying to spot the end of the line and saw
own_the_sky sitting down in the front of the BSG line with
icedteainthebag, and a bunch of other people. I sat down to say hello, and met
seariderfalcon. I'm so sorry that I missed you all weekend, but it was great to see you on Monday! I told Elizabeth that if it was okay with her, I was going to go in with them. So I did.
Aaaaand I ended up sitting in the exact same seat that I had for the previous panel. Elizabeth was right in front of me, with Dasha and Adrienne across the aisle from us. It was like a rectangle of awesome. For serious.
This is the type of panel that I think Mary (McDonnell) would have loved, had she been there. It was very academic. Not much squeeing to be had, but some really deep, intellectual questions. The kind of stuff Mary would love to sink her teeth into. Kandyse was SO cute. She would get so excited and just light up when someone had a question for her. Lucianna was the only one not getting into the deepness of the panel. lol! Kevin Grazier (BSG science advisor) and Richard Hatch were really into it.
Kandyse talked a lot about her character's relationship with Billy on the show, and what it could have/should have been. She was crushed by Paul's (the actor's) decision to leave the show. She wanted their characters to have a serious relationship and felt that was the direction things would have gone. She talked about how it would have effected lots of things... information sharing between the military (Adama) and the presidency (Roslin), how there would have been a point of deciding if their loyalties lied with each other or with their bosses/jobs, etc... She said she cried while they were shooting the scene where Billy gets shot because she hated to see him go.
You could tell she really liked 'what if' types of questions, and these are topics she has really thought about.
IDK. But isn't that the cutest face?
I really had no set plans for the rest of the day. I was tentatively planning going to the Sanctuary: Don't Feed The Monsters panel at 2PM, but decided to spend the rest of the day hanging with Elizabeth (
own_the_sky) instead. I'm so glad I did! I think we had fun.
First we headed to the Walk of Fame. See the cut for tales and pictures. :)
Paul McGillion was first! SQUEE. Seriously, wedding bells. Do you hear them? I'm sending out the invitations any day now. We're going to make beautiful babies. ♥ I got to shake his hand, and tell him that Carson Beckett is my favorite character from Atlantis. I was so nervous that I don't remember what else I said, but I don't think I embarrassed myself. He shook my hand, gave the BEST HUG IN THE WORLD, and smiled at me. And said the general "Thank you. I really appreciate it" stuff. That man is the best hugger in the world. And he's really genuine. Have I mentioned how much I love him?
Then... I think Ben Browder was next?
He was nice enough- not as pleasant as Paul, but I'm biased. ;) I told him that I really liked the character of Cam on SG1, and I told him that I didn't feel like Cam ever tried to replace Jack (something he said a lot of fans complained about over the weekend). Got to shake his hand, and got a picture- even if it was one of those 'leaning across the table' pics.
I came THIS CLOSE to speaking with Claudia Black, but she left while I was still talking to Ben. Sadness. She walked out through the curtain right behind us. :(
Then Elizabeth and I walked around the WoF, she got an autograph from Ron Glass (Shepherd Book from Firefly) and I said hello to him. After that we were getting ready to leave, talking by the doors, and I glance over to see Aaron Douglas standing there. O HAI CHIEF.
So I'm like, "Aaron!" He looks over at me, and Elizabeth zooms over to get his autograph in her PropWorks BSG book. He was very nice, and I get a picture. :)
After the celebrity encounters, we ran into
angiescully and
splodge04 at Froggy's Photos. I got a picture with the Eurogirls, we all chatted for a while, and then Elizabeth and I leave for the dealers room. We wander around for a while, almost buy awesome matching Sam Carter t-shirts (but they were out of our size), and at some point come up with the phrase "Instant Lesbian! Just Add Mary!" (which Elizabeth now has on a t-shirt! lol!). I buy a pin with the "earth" chevron from SG1, and decide that I'm going to dress as Carter next year for Dragon*Con. LOL. I'm not sure how this happened, and I'm at least partially blaming Elizabeth and the fangirl squeeing. ;) But, yes. I bought all of the patches and everything. Not sure how I'm going to pull off Carter with brown hair, but I'll think of something.
OH! And I totally got Elizabeth interested in Sanctuary. She went home and watched it all. *is proud* It's part of my evil plan to convert the world to Sanctuary.
IDK what we did next. Found chairs and almost fell asleep? Talked a while longer? Then Elizabeth had to go catch her plane. I had some time to kill, so I went to the final panel in the Stargate track room. It was basically just a comment/suggestions for next year thing. I offered some suggestions, and I got a free Stargate t-shirt and an SGU poster for participating. YAY. :)
He really is kind-of pervy with the ladies. He was leaning all into me, rubbing his hand all over my back and... lingering, if you know what I mean. Uncomfortable. But he was nice enough to talk to, and I got a picture. Yup, that's me. Whoring myself out for pictures with famous people. LOL.
And that's it for Dragon*Con 2009! I think the only thing that I forgot to mention is, in addition to my evil plans to convert the world to Sanctuary, I also had evil plans to tell as many people as possible about how awesome
gateland is. Not that you can tell it by the flood of new members we've had, but I did tell people. :P Of course, I heavily pushed Team Goa'uld. Because we're the best team in the world. ;)
Who's excited for D*Con 2010? Me+Elizabeth+Leah+the Hilton hotel=EPIC WIN. It's gonna be great. :D