(no subject)

Apr 06, 2009 20:17

C: Why can't Daddy come?
D: Charlotte, can you hear me?
C: You know what my mum would say about me marrying an American. You know! I know more about Ancient Carthage than Hannibal himself.
S: What the hell is she talkin' about?
D: I have no idea
L: Let's go, we have to keep movin'
D: Alright. Somebody help me with Charlotte; we're gonna have to carry her
L: No she's gonna hold us up
D: We can't just leave her
C: Let them go without me
D: No, Charlotte, no, we're not gonna leave you behind

C: Ohhh turn it up; I love Geronimo Jackson!
J: We're running out of time, Dan
D: Go. I'm gonna stay with her.

C: I've been here before.
D: You've been... been here before?
C: I grew up here. On the island. There was this thing... this Dharma Initiative. And then I moved away with my mum. Just my mum. And I never saw my dad again. Then when I got back to England, and I would ask my mum about this place, yeah? But she would say it wasn't real and that I'd made it up. That's why I became an anthropologist. To find this island again. It's what I've been searching for my whole life.
D: Charlotte. Why are you telling me this?

C: Because I remember something now. When I was little... living here... There was this man. This crazy man and he really scared me. And he told me that I had to leave the island and never ever come back. He told me that if I came back, I would die.
D: Charlotte... I don't understand.
C: Daniel, I... I think that man was you!

D: Hold on, hold on, stay, stay... stay with me. You stay, ok? It's gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be ok. I've got a plan.
C: No..
D: I've got a plan. When we were back at the hatch, I spoke to Desmond! I told him to find my mother. She can help us, Charlotte, she will help us.
C: How can your mother help us?
D: She can, she--[cut off by Charlotte coughing]

[Charlotte stops coughing, smiles]
D: What?
C: I'm not allowed to have chocolate before dinner... [she dies]
D: Charlotte? Charlotte? Charlotte. No. [he starts to cry]

I know, I know. This seems like a weird choice of scene given that it's the scene in which my favorite character dies. But everything about this scene is amazing. The fact that you never quite know what's going on in Charlotte's head, the AMAZING acting from both Jeremy and Rebecca (as well as the rest of the cast, of course), the reveal of Charlotte's past (would have been nicer had we got a whole episode on it, of course, rather than 3 minutes). And I especially love the camera angles, which may sound weird since most of it focuses on Charlotte, then Dan, then back to Charlotte etc. as close-ups, but I LOVE the way it zooms out at the start of each scenette (lmfao I invented that word right there) and at the end. And it's heartbreaking :(

I KNOW. I OWE YOU ELIZABETH SPAM. BUT THIS WILL HAVE TO DO FOR NOW. The Liz one is coming soon... I'm up to 2007, which is the worst bit cos there is SO MUCH LOST. Ahem.

Hope the quotes and everything are correct... I was too lazy to double check, and since I was typing while watching (well, listening) it wouldn't surprise me if there are spelling errors or other sillyness.

Also, I'm not sure about this coloring. Too bright? I wanted something that wasn't that PINKNESS I usually use sooo.

lost, picspam, 5.05, char/dan, rebecca mader, picspammy, jeremy davies

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