5 reasons the lost season 4&5 cast > everyone else, ever.

Mar 10, 2009 18:32

i guess i should point out that although i ADORE every single one of the lost cast, past and present, i mostly focused on the reasons why i love the 4&5 cast most, i.e. people who weren't in the other seasons / only really became my favorite in season 4.

01. they're all such great friends.

they're all just such a laugh anyway, but watching the special features on the season 4 dvds had me in stitches over some of their messing around on set (THE hug in 'the other woman' backstage video, for example) and i never tire of hearing their little backstage stories about one another (like the time josh walked in on rebecca peeing in the jungle, always a favorite). rebecca interviews are always the best because the way she talks about the rest of the cast, liz in particular, is with such pride and admiration for them that you can tell they're like a close knit little family <3

02. elizabeth & rebecca.

EM: "this is our post-fight twix. okay, our daily twix, who are we kidding?!"
RM: "we made up!"
EM: "yeah we made up. there's just a few bumps and bruises buut we're good friends now!"
RM: "i forgave her."
EM: "mmhmm"
RM: "only cos she's pretty. if she was ugly, i wouldn't have done."

you knew these two would get their own section, right?! my two favorite people right now are these two. they're legends! absolutely stunning, wonderful actresses, who are both absolutely bonkers, but in the best way possible. as i said before, you can tell from how rebecca talks about liz that they get on really really well, and the video i mentioned before (and have screencapped above) is a wonderful example of this. they have a very similar sense of humour, or so i've noticed from interviews and backstage videos, although, admittedly, rebecca is much more 'in your face' than elizabeth. i read somewhere (can't remember where now) that the one thing rebecca will miss most about being on lost were the people, and especially elizabeth. how sweet! they obviously enjoy what they're doing which then transfers into their work, which is always amazing :D

also, twix eating = srs bsns. don't forget that ;)

03. the most adorable face on tv, ever.

jeremy davies is just adorable. you cannot describe him as anything else. the term 'his adorable little face' has been used MANY times to describe this man's face, believe me. he has just got so many expressions that make you go to goo inside, and they especially come out to play whenever dan is worrying over charlotte. in many ways, his genius aside, daniel reminds me of a lost little boy and i guess that's down to the faces. he does the crushed look so damn well.

04. the sexiest cast promo pictures known to television.

i'd pick these babies over the season 1-4 cast pics ANY DAY. i mean look how classy these people's clothes are. i think there was only so many different versions of 'standing on the island' that lost could carry off, and they made the decision to switch over to this at a wonderful time, especially with how developed this season has been, and the fact that there are now HOUSES :o and people got off the island and aren't confined to one set of clothes anymore, so it all makes sense (well, the people I picked on in these pics *are* confined to one set of clothes for most of the seasons, but yknow). it almost feels weird seeing charlotte and dan in other clothes :o but dan has his tie, so it's all good.

05. the most adorable, non-kate-related, ships you ever did see <3.

...and the babies

i am well aware that the babies don't belong to the ships (apart from charlie) but THEY TOO DAMN CUTE FOR ME NOT TO INCLUDE OK? and i guess this isn't a reason that the cast are awesome, except that they portray all these characters so well that their relationships are believable and heartbreaking and awesome.

so, hands up who got so annoyed with kate the past two seasons that they gave up on skate AND jate?! just me? i don't think so. i was so glad to have some new, even more adorable ships to focus my attention on. charladay is quite honestly the best thing to ever happen to lost, imo. they had a different dynamic to every couple ever on the island, even if they are still not counted as canon (damn you charlotte for dying before we had the chance to have an 'ily' from you...). without charladay we'd never get to see the softer side of charlotte, and dan would have no real *purpose* apart from to be that weird physics dude... and THERE WOULD BE NO ADORABLE FACE. therefore, charladay = win. suliet has quickly become one of my favorites too, even before anything happened. they bring out the best in each other, and i'm hoping sawyer has finally realized that if he sticks with juliet he won't be treated like crap like he was continuously by kate! des and penny are just so perfect and happy and in love that i am constantly on the edge of my sofa waiting for something bad to happen to them, but let's hope it never does. it's good to have a happy, stable couple.

and the babies... gah. they're so adorable. ji yeon has this beautiful cute chubby face that you can totally not understand sun leaving, aaron is the spitting image of his mom (except not really since he isn't *really* emilie's, but y'know) and has grown into such a handsome little boy and charlie is the perfect cross between his parents. SO.CUTE.

and if you read all of that then well done to you... i know i tend to ramble :$
expect many more picspams for this month's picspammy since i have like 3 more ideas already... ;) and i apologize for the coloring; i got lazy half way through.

PS: these picspams are totally part of the reason i made noveltygame and then i forgot and posted them all here... FAIL.

lost, jeremy davies, becky&lizzie = epic win, picspam, elizabeth mitchell, char/dan, sawyer/juliet, picspammy, rebecca mader, des/penny

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