Sep 10, 2007 07:56
Hey everyone. An idea just came to me, so I'm gonna go with it~!
Mexico's coming up really quick for both the people that are going and those people staying at home. It's gonna be really hard, needless to say. I know that people are taking out the time to say their personal goodbyes to everyone, but I thought to myself, you know, why not kill a whole bunch of birds with one stone.
Actually, scratch that last line. That's horrible, Hawkmon and anyone else, I'm sorry!
But anyway, I was thinking that we should have one big group send-off before the day finally comes. Sure, getting together with people one at a time is fine and all, but I think the support that comes from everyone possible would do wonders for us leaving.
So what do you guys say? I'm thinking either a huge park, or even just a cafe (if we don't have a lot of people). Anyone who would be interested, leave me a message so that I can plan this a lot better.
Thanks a bunch, guys!
((OOC: There's no way I'm gonna be able to fit everyone into the tag, so I'm not even gonna try; if you're in Japan and the immediate area, this message is for you.)
send-off party