(no subject)

Mar 24, 2006 12:44

so there is her and her and her....oh yes of course ehr. but she doesnt really count....

for the past month that has been my only sanctuary for my head has drifted down from the clouds and has gotten a very serious and unexpected reality check that only makes matters worse. i thought reality checks were supposed to open your eyes and let you see your faults and hopefully shape your near future in a better way. but all mine seems to do is just make matters worse for me. i can't even think straight anymore....i cant think in general. after all that weed. and now not going to school for like nearly 2 months is sickening and doesnt feel as nice as it started out to be...i guess ina way i am learning from my reality check.

anyways this is just another random rant about mindnumbing nothingness...its sad really but this is all i have as a sanctuary these days. i keep missing dahses calls cause im always not here on sundays which i promised id be home on and we would get to talk even if it was for 15 mins or so...but yeah im sorry dude. idunno. i just dont get home sometimes cause im always crachin at the homies places..

but yeah...im stuck ina hole for now. i wish there were such things as "do-overs" and "restarts" in reality. highschool would be a breeze...well thats if i made it a breeze....

anyways i think just about done with my rant.

the twins are over and we are waiting for dane to call so we are gona go there preety soon. id like to make it to LAN at least for the last hour or so. cause i wana know how everything went with tai and everything. im guessing it all went alright. well kinda.. well. i hope anyways... and yeah. im done now. just trying to keep my eyelids open because i pulled and all nighter and well yeah the plentiful amounts of excitement watching "whose line" on YouTube and the 5 cups of coffee are wearing off...

anyways i better wrap this up. im done now. pCe
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