To the members of
It seems, as of late,
freefallskyline and I have been warning people more frequently as well as deleting entries. Now, the purpose of this entry isn't to point fingers at those who've broken the rules, rather it is to prevent everyone else from doing so. We understand that there may be new members of
inorae, however it doesn't excuse anyone from
reading the rules. I don't know how many times we have to emphasize this but it is absolutely mandatory to read the rules and understand them. The rules are really simple and they're rules that many-if not all-fanfiction communities have.
If you have any kind of questions about the rules we highly encourage you to PM us! DO NOT POST AND THEN SAY "I'M SORRY IF THIS IS NOT ALLOWED! PLEASE DELETE IF ANYTHING! If any of you do this you will be banned from the permanently, no questions asked. Why? Because you'd know if it were allowed or not had you decided to read the rules. Does anybody see where we're going with this? A lot of the problems that we encounter can be avoided if, and I will say this again, you read the rules. If you are confused about how to post something consult the rules! If your problem isn't addressed PM a mod! We don't bite.
Here's a list of rules that are frequently broken:
- The default font of the community has been altered. Usually like this or even like this. We highly recommend posting to the community in HTML format rather than richtext as it is easier to avoid this problem.
- Your entry is of a high rating and it is left unlocked. All entries that have a rating of R or NC-17 have to be locked no exceptions.
- Your entry isn't tagged correctly. If there are problems with re-tagging your entry correctly reply to the mod's comment saying so.
Only post things that are relevant to
inorae! Meaning, fics or fanart concerning One Day! Posting a fic directory or a macro etc. is not relevant. Don't do this. Also note that request posts are banned from the community! The only type of request post we accept is a fic search!
Also please note that if a moderator replies to your entry telling you to fix any errors do not delete or screen that comment. If you do so you will be banned from the community for up to three days. It's disrespectful to the moderator and really, that comment wouldn't be there in the first place if the rules were read. This also goes without saying but I will say it anyway: if a moderator asks you to do something do it. Do not say no or I will only do so after x amount of time. Do not think that you are above the rules. Depending on the circumstances you will be banned for a certain amount of time. If you encounter any problems please PM a mod!
If your entry was deleted, do not repost and add to your notes: I don't know why this was deleted! Before your entry gets deleted we do leave a comment explaining the deletion! We highly recommend everyone to have their comment notifications turned on, as this is the only way you will get our reasons explaining why your fic has been deleted.
I know this may seem laughable but we do give you more than enough chances if you do break the rules. We remember everyone who has broken the rules in the past and we remember new posters by either your username or icon. You can think of us in whatever way you want, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters to us is that at the end of the day, our job is done.
Your mods,
freefallskyline and