suzywoo - 7/?

Feb 12, 2012 17:36

Title: Fight fire with fire
Author: kanintallrik
Pairing: Wooyoung x Suzy, (onesided Suzy x Minho)
Rating: pg-13
Genre: highschool!au
Summary: For Suzy, winning the school dance competition marks the start of her new, amazing life. It doesn't really end up that way, but at least Wooyoung's not pestering her anymore. Too bad that she realizes she's starting to miss him.

It’s cold.

Suzy shudders and wishes she had brought a hat, but instead lets her hair out from its ponytail, fluffs it halfheartedly around her face and then re-wraps the scarf around the whole thing. It helps against the stinging wind and for a while, Suzy feels better.

A little bichon is walked by, strutting gleefully with its tiny legs, and Suzy can’t help smiling under the scarf. One day, she’ll have one of those, and she’ll walk it by this riverside every day.

When the dog has disappeared Suzy’s eyes wander off along the track and absentmindedly come to rest at a figure trudging determined against the wind in her direction.

He looks somewhat like Wooyoung, a number part of her brain notes. The same brushy hair, but quirkily styled upwards, and the same taut walk. Even the uniform is the same.

Then she blinks; Shit. It is Wooyoung. And he has spotted her, speeding up slightly while making his way towards her bench.

For a split second, Suzy thinks of running. She pictures herself just getting the hell out of there. And she pictures Wooyoung calling after her, supposedly chasing after her. Then, an image of Wooyoung catching her from behind and holding her in his arms surfaces in Suzy’s consciousness, an image that Suzy strangely enough can’t bring herself to dislike, but she only has time to produce a distant what the hell?, before Wooyoung is standing before her.

“Hey.” He says.

Suzy grants him a look from under dark bangs and then turns her head away. Wooyoung, seemingly having expected this, takes to sitting down at her side.

They sit there for a good while, and Suzy increasingly expects, even wants, Wooyoung to just say something. When he seemingly has no intention to, she awkwardly clears her throat and speaks up;

“I have nothing to say to you.”

Wooyoung scoffs.

“Okay. How have you been?”

“Great!” Suzy says with mock-enthusiasm. “Nothing like a few days off, contemplating on what to do with my life since you went and wrecked my every chance to ever show my face in public again.”


“I’m thinking a few months on a pacific oil rig’d sit nicely…“

“I’m sorry, okay?”

She falls silent at his sudden outburst, not sure if she expected an apology or not.

“I… It was just really stupid, what I did.”

There is a, quite pregnant, pause, and then Suzy asks, in the smallest voice;

“What did you actually do?”

He shoots a quick look at her (the first since he sat down, she realizes), and then dutifully answers;

“I… returned the shoes. Told her you’re sorry but too scared to say it yourself.”

“Oh. …So you… You didn’t say anything about… Minho?”

Something evidently furrowed comes over Wooyoung’s brows and his eyes narrows. “No, I didn’t.” he says, and then continues poisonously; “Should I have?”

“No, please no!” Suzy spurts anxiously, and studies Wooyoung’s profile to see if he actually would or not. He sends her a look that Suzy realizes is tired.

“Look.” He says dryly. “I don’t care whatever crushes you have on anyone, okay? So I won’t tell.”

Wooyoung notes with ever-growing irritation that Suzy looks content, and that something mellow falls over her face. Despite himself, he asks with a badly hidden growl; “What’s so great about that guy anyway?”

“I thought you didn’t care.” Suzy says calmly, but with a small smirk that hints of her usual snark. For a second Wooyoung is back in the dance studio, when they were just practicing their routine and things weren’t quite this complicated.

“Whatever.” He huffs. “You don’t have to tell me.”

“He’s handsome.” She says anyway, and Wooyoung can’t help but to cringe slightly at the sudden softness of her voice. “And he’s got a beautiful smile. I just… he’s just wonderful.”

Wooyoung blinks. “…That’s it? Just looks?”

Suzy shrugs. “I can’t help whom I like.”

“…Have you even talked to him?”

The look she shoots him is considerably sharper now. “And what if I haven’t?”

Wooyoung suddenly deflates in his seat; shuffling down and tipping his head back over the backrest with a sighing chuckle. “You’re such a cliché.”

Suzy whips around with light speed at his comment. “S’not like you’re much better; completely unable to give up on a girl, even when she’s repeatedly made it clear she has no interest in you.”

Wooyoung just scoffs. “You have to help me, Wooyoung, fix everything I messed up from being a conceited brat!” he whines in a poor, screechy imitation of her voice.

Suzy’s face darkens even further, and she exhales heavily through her nose as she speaks; “You don’t have to be here.”

“Great, then I can go home. I’m freezing my ass off.” Wooyoung replies sharply, already getting to his feet. “But don’t come crawling to me again as soon as things get a little hard, okay?” He turns around to leave and promptly ignores whatever wetness to her eyes he saw just now.


Wooyoung is in a foul mood the next couple of days. That’s what you get from spending three afternoons walking up and down that damned riverside, just hoping to run into her. That’s what you get for being the only one who gives a shit. Well, he’s not gonna pry. There’s plenty of girls around, Wooyoung thinks to himself and smiles wholeheartedly at the cute, chubby sophomore across the hall. What’s her name again, Ji…eun? Yeah, Jieun.

Jieun adjusts her glasses and meets his gaze with a shy giggle.

Fuck yeah, Wooyoung thinks and mentally pats his own back. Go get ‘em, tiger.

Further he doesn’t get before Junho nudges him in the ribs and points towards the main entrance. “Look who’s here.”

Suzy looks like shit. Her hair is haphazardly collected in a messy ponytail and she stubbornly keeps her gaze at the floor as she hurriedly navigates between the small cliques of people littering the hallway.

“Well, what do you know.” He says and decides with a great feeling of ease that that’s that, promptly ignoring Junho eyeing him from the side.

Still, he repeatedly catches himself (by habit, he’s sure) looking for her in the crowd, and releases an unintentional sigh when noticing that nobody seems to be harassing her anymore.

And when he runs into Choi Minho a few days later, he’s not even aware that he’s glaring until Minho, looking quite off-put, stops in front of him and asks if he has something to say.

“No, I…” Wooyoung stutters at first, unconsciously stretching his back a bit to gain a little on that extra inch or two Minho has on him. Then he finds his eyes narrowing and he nonchalantly cocks his head to the side.

“Suzy Bae…” he trails, and Minho’s eyes widen just slightly with attention. “What do you think of her?”

“Suzy Bae?” Minho repeats, looking strangely blank. “She stole my girlfriend’s shoes right before the showcase, causing her to refuse performing and our two months of practice having been for nothing, and then she doesn’t even have the decency to apologize in person. What do you think I think of her?”

“Hm.” Wooyoung nods, and just barely resists outing Suzy’s crush there and then. “I figured.” And with a light pat at Minho’s shoulder he leaves, basking slightly in the fact that the guy doesn’t look quite that handsome in person.


Suzy really shouldn’t be feeling this bad. People have stopped bothering her, Krystal has gotten her shoes back and - best of all - Suzy’s rid of Wooyoung. In other words; she’s back to square one, which wasn’t all great, but it surely wasn’t bad. So why does she feel like shit?

She repeatedly finds herself scanning the crowd; in the mornings, during recess and lingering behind after classes just to… what, really? And around the twelfth time (not that she’s counting) that she actually spots Wooyoung and is yet again struck with this ridiculous feeling of disappointment when he’s not looking her way, she’s forced to admit that; fuck, she actually misses him. And she’s so angry with herself for this insight that she stomps home and starts tearing up her mom’s collections, but can’t more than scratch at the surface before she feels like barfing and has to take shelter in her dear asylum.

There she lies all evening; just staring up into the blessedly white, naked ceiling and tries to remember what she used to hate so much about Wooyoung. Instead, she pictures his face and can only produce a weak shadow of the distaste she used to manage.

She thinks of his weird jokes and quirky mannerisms (he is pretty funny after all), his smile (he actually has a pretty nice smile when she thinks about it) and his strangely never-decreasing self-confidence (which can, objectively speaking, be pretty attractive).

Bust most of all she thinks of care; someone who looks for you when you’re missing, someone who asks how you feel and someone who wants to be by your side. She didn’t need this before but, she realizes with a frown, she needs it now.

“But don’t come crawling to me again as soon as things get a little hard, okay?”

Rolling over to her side with a sigh, her eyes fall on the cellphone sitting on the bed stand, and she briefly thinks of texting him. Just a very casual, non-whiny text. Hi, how are you? What are you doing? Wanna meet up… What do people usually text about? She frowns again, and as she closes her eyes she sees his, narrowed, in her head, and realizes that she just wants him to smile at her again.

She frowns even harder.


It’s lunchtime, a little over two weeks after that afternoon at the bench, and Suzy’s legs are cramping as she makes her way through the cafeteria. Three heads turn to silently stare at her as she sinks down in the only empty seat at the table, and offers them all a friendly smile that she hopes doesn’t look nearly as forced as it actually is.


No response. A pea falls off Junho’s fork where it hovers a few inches from his opened mouth. Suzy clears her throat.

“I hope this seat isn’t taken.” She asks politely.

Taecyeon is the first to come to his senses. “Uh, no. Go ahead.” He makes an offering gesture with his hand, but Suzy isn’t sure if he actually means it or is subtly mocking the fact that she’s already sitting, and frankly, the uncertainty is enough for her to want to cry and run away. She blinks, swallows the lump in her throat and grabs her fork. Junho’s has finally found its way into his mouth.

Their interrupted conversation is slowly brought back up, but Suzy can’t bring herself to try to get involved. She answers direct, polite questions but mostly sits quiet, bent over her food, and thus misses completely how Taecyeon sends Wooyoung a questioning glance and cocks his head in the direction of the exit, as well as Wooyoung’s frantic head-shaking. She doesn’t look up until Taecyeon suddenly rises from his seat, and practically pulls Junho from his by his shoulders.

“Well, we should get going.” He announces conversationally, pretending to talk just as much to Wooyoung as to Suzy. “But don’t worry, Suzy, Wooyoung’ll keep you company.”

Suzy sends Wooyoung her first look since she sat down, just in time to catch his dark glare directed at Taecyeon who, with a cheeky grin and a protesting Junho in tow, is making his way between the tables. The silence gets quite uncomfortable after that, and Suzy doesn’t dare to look at Wooyoung again, only focuses on finishing her food as quick as possible without spilling. But when her plate has been empty for a full minute and Wooyoung still hasn’t made any effort to move, only keeps playing with his empty glass with a blank expression, she feels a little better. Though, even when she’s trying to catch his gaze he won’t look up.

“Wooyoung.” She says finally, in the smallest voice, and realizes with a start that it’s pretty much the first time ever that she actually says his name. And he finally looks up, meeting her eyes which, she notes with increasing horror, start tearing up.

“Can’t… can’t we be friends?” she manages, voice even quieter, and groans inwardly at how whiny it comes out.

And really, it’s both a pain and pleasure to see her like this.

“Do you want to be my friend?” he asks cautiously, briefly noting how her hands are shaking slightly.

The look on her face then; brows knitted together and mouth jerking up in an anxious grimace in combination with the breathy and sincere Yes she lets out really melts Wooyoung heart. He can’t help a smile from forming on his lips and slides a little deeper in his seat.

“Okay.” He says easily, and smiles even wider when Suzy’s features also soften into a tentative grin. “So, what do you wanna do?”

She lets out a breathy little laugh, clearly relieved. “Now? I really wanna go to class, ‘cause my teacher’s already on me for disappearing for two weeks. She won’t buy the flu-excuse…”

Wooyoung laughs too. “No, not now.”

“Oh.” Suzy says, looking strangely bashful, and he finds himself wanting to reignite some of her spark (trying to ignore the fact that he’s probably the reason it disappeared in the first place). “I wanna… I wanna dance.”

Wooyoung blinks. “Dance?”

“Yeah.” Suzy says, actually meeting his gaze now. “I wanna dance with you. Just for fun; no pressure.”

Wooyoung smiles again, and he just really, really likes this. “Okay. Under one condition.” He leans forward with a finger raised, and chuckles a bit at Suzy’s suddenly terrified expression. “No latex.”

She stares at him for a couple of seconds, and then relaxes with a snort. “I can’t promise anything.” She drawls and shakes her head in mock-seriousness. “You know I have exquisite taste.”

Authors note: This would have been a very neat place to quit. I was seriously considering just ending it here, but hey, they haven't actually gotten together yet! XD I also really enjoyed writing these series, so I just couldn't stop. XD There will be a few more chapters to come, so look forward to them. :) Comments are <3

rating: pg-13, crossover: miss-a, pairing: wooyoung/oc

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