(no subject)

Oct 25, 2011 11:59

Title: The not so Blind Date
Author(s): mychocotango
Pairing(s):character: jo kwon, character :jaebeom, character :wooyoung
Rating: PG-13 ( language)
Summary: Jo Kwon tries to fix a blind date for his friend
Notes: I wrote this during my three hours fight delay. An old youtube footage on jo kwon meeting jaebeom popped in my head. More like rambling than a fic really, I hope its bearable . Warning: My bias is all over the place. You have been warned. 1500+words

"Can't believe I have to go through all this trouble to meet with a girl." The man said pulling his cap further down when somebody with a SLR camera walked passed them. He's not sure it was a reporter or some kind, but yeah, he's not taking that risk.

" I mean, is she really THAT pretty??" He walked briskly following the lean guy in front of him.

Kwon choked. " I never said anything about her being pretty. " He glanced to the man following him over his shoulder.

" What the-, Jo Kwon, I swear if you drag me all the way here just to-"

"Well, sometimes , okay."

"What do you mean sometimes?" He almost tripped on the concrete pavement.

"Sometimes she's pretty, sometimes she's cute... Other times she's just weird and silly ..." The vocalist fasten his pace. We are so late, he told himself.

" A-re you sure this girl is okay for me? She doesn't sound right.." He said, dragging the A- part as if the added seconds will give him more time to think of why did he ever agrees to Jo Kwon's offer.

"You're don't want to meet her?" Kwon asks as they entered a back alley. Its a safer route.

"I wasn't aware I was wanting to meet her in the first place." he muttered then stumbles for the second time. Damn it, he hates back alleys.

" Don't say that. Don't back out on me. It took me forever to convinced her to finally come.."

"You sayin' she don't wanna see me? Whoa der, Kwonnie.... It seemed none of us is even eager to see each other, then what's with this blind date?" The man stops at his track, arms folded across his chest. He knew something was fishy about this whole blind date thing. Hell, everything is fishy when Jo Kwon is involved.

"Oh, she wants to..trust me, she's just kinda... Well... She's the kind that just have a lot of things on her mind. Now, come on we're running late. " He pulls the man by the hand to get him moving again " I got schedule waiting." Jo Kwon adds.

"She's crazy?"

"I said a lot on her mind, not OUT of her mind. Though sometimes I do think she had a loose wire somewhere in her head."

"Kwonnie?!!!" He yanked his hand from Kwon' grip.

"What?? Geez... You're soo loud, this is a secret meeting... " Kwon rolls his eyes.

" Just what kind of girl are you setting me up with here ???!!" His eyes widens.

" Look. Trust me." Kwon said in a reassuring tone to the flustered man in front of him.

"Trust you? Let me ponder on that thought for a while" he said cynically, a smug look on his face.

"Ponder it while walking. Come on. " Kwon started walking again.

"At least tell what she's like..I mean her personalities." He shook his head in disbelief, why oh why did he agrees to this. He jogs towards Jo Kwon to close the distance between them.

"She's.., she's kinda weird and strange sometimes , she's got a sense of humor, sometimes its great, sometimes its not so great and gets her to trouble. Suits her right I must say ,she can be quite obnoxious that way. She's a clean freak, don't know if that's a good thing or not, she's can really be irritating, she nags a lot.."

"That's it. I'mma go home now. Thank you but NO thank you. Well do this some other time when you get me a decent women to pair and not somebody who all I know could be a freaking witch with broomsticks or sorts.."

" Okay okay. Maybe I don't do her justice here. But you have to promise that you won't leak what I tell you to anyone. You did not hear this from me ever. Don't tell anyone I told you this. Specially dont tell her, I repeat DO NOT TELL HER that I told you this...promised! Crossed your heart and hope to die!! And don't crossed your finger behind your back when saying so."

"Okaaaaay!! Damn it Kwon we’re not five.."

"Okay. She might seemed a bit cold, and her words are sometimes sharp, but its just an armor of her, because she have a fragile heart. She really is cute and fun to be with. She looks easy going enough, but she put a lot of pressure to her self its crazy, she always gives her best for perfection, and as I said , she thinks carefully about everything. Every. Little. Detail. Everything. She seemed impertinent, but she's a softie inside. She's not good with sorrow so she cried a lot, but when she smile,...Oh Boy when she smile," Kwons voice trailed off as they enter a back door of a building.

"What? She lights up the entire room?" He followed and the door closed behind him with a thud.

"Something like that. But her laugh is kinda annoying though..specially when she's laughing at me.."


"I may contradict myself here, but that's what she is. A walking contradiction. She puts the hot and cold in one pot, stir them together and made rainbows and dark clouds all at once. But overall she's a good person. She's a good friend, she cared a lot about the people matters to her, and there's only a few of those, so I guess she treasures them. She's funny and silly, yet she's a deep thinker, she strives and always gives her best in everything. She act arrogant but really, she is very humble. She has a kind gentle heart.. She-,"

"She a good friend of yours isn't she?"

"What? Well... , Yeah.. You can say that.".

"Sounds like someone I know.."

"Really?.."Kwon watches as his friend walked passed him.

"Tell me, is she very clever and witty with words?

"As a matter of fact, she does..."

"She likes to dance?"

"Loving it".

"And she likes ice creams?"

"Like crazy".

"Oh,.I see...Did you forced her to meet me, or did she approve, or.. Did she asked to see me..?" He stopped. Eyes looking straight to the 2 AM's leader as he say each word slowly and carefully.

"Let's see... She wanted to, but not sure that you wanted to, she's afraid... So in the end I have to forced her.. But I think she approve because she is waiting to see you.."

Hesitation painted clearly on his face. He had thought of this moments countless times, enacting it in his mind. He knows what he'll say, he knows what he'll do. But what will she say? What will she do? Will she hate him?" That'll be too much heartache too bear. Even for him.

"And if I don't want to see her.."

"PARK JAEBEOM DONT YOU DARE...!!!" Kwon glared at him. Voice rising at least an octave higher.
" Shit... I'll-, I'll respect your decision... But jay, if you've seen him-, I mean her ..you won't have the heart not to see him, -her... " Jo Kwon stumbles on words, his eyes looking at him in disbelief. Pleading. His mind travels to his other friend waiting for them. The look in those eyes. Kwon honestly thinks that this friend couldn't handle another heartache regarding this matter. So does Jay, but Jay have always been the stronger one.

"She came alone?" Jay licked his lips. Feeling something uneasy in his stomach. He was nervous, but in a good way.

"I told her so, she might be in trouble if word gets out that she's meeting you.."

" How is she doing?She looked thinner and thinner each day, she should eat more.."

"Go tell her yourself..."

Jay walked towards the designated room. He stood infront of the door for a while. Gathering all his courage to finally come face to face with the one person he not-so-secretly admitted holds a warm spot in the corner of his heart. The one that he misses the most when he was in the States.The one that made his footsteps ever so heavy as he leaves Korea. The one whose smile was the last thing that hung on his mind when he falls asleep.
The one who tugs his heart.

Jay took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Inside, a lean figure quickly stands from the couch he is sitting.. He look nervous, afraid.....but his eyes told Jay everything he wanted to know. And it was enough.

" Wooyoungie.." Jay walked closer with a smile on his face.

rating: pg-13, character: wooyoung, character: jo kwon, character: jaebum

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