Never to Betray You Again Chapter 35

Sep 24, 2015 19:37

Title: Never To Betray You Again Chapter 35
Disclaimer: I didn't own anything except for the plot
Main Character: Yabu, Inoo, Yaotome, Arioka, Yuya, Yamada, Chinen
Genre: romance, mystery, friendship, thriller and death
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kota locked himself to the world for 3 years and he even have times that he wanted to die already but he was always stopped by unexpected situation like fate didn't want him to die. After visiting a grieve, he accidentally met the most important person in his life which he thought was already dead. He treated it as an opportunity to fix what he have done wrong to him 3 years ago. But the real aftermath of the nightmare happened that years ago just began when the 5 members of Blazerz received a call stating that he knew everything that happened that night and he was planning to take revenge for the death of Sakura Minato.
Author's Note: Another revised version >___ < EnjoyXD

Never to Betray You Again
-Chapter Thirty Five-
It was a good day for Yuri but it was the opposite for Ryosuke. The little guy was enjoying eating his bread while Ryosuke was just being silent in the corner and having his own world. They are supposed to do a group project but unfortunately their other members was not able to attend and the two were left with each other together. They were half done with their project and so they got tired of it and have a break for a while. Yuri is indulging himself to his bread while Ryosuke started looking at his phone as if he was waiting for a text or a call from someone.

"Ryosuke, are you hungry?" Yuri asked. "Here… I have some bread left you can eat them." he offered.

"I am not hungry." Ryosuke replied back.

"Then what's with this dark aura surrounding you? Are you alright? Sick? Tired?" the smaller guy asked him. "You know if you will eat my bread then you will forget every problem that you have. I baked everything this morning so it was totally fresh and really good. It's one thing I am proud of after being a good computer gamer." he said proudly .

Ryosuke smirked and since Yuri insisted he took a bite of that bread that Yuri was so proud about and he was not just boasting since it was really good. Yuri looks like an individual who didn't know anything at all except for being a nerd. The only thing that comes to his mouth is playing computer games and his dream to make one in the future. Watching him feels like he doesn't have any problem at life at all. "If only life is as simple as you are." Ryosuke muttered.

"What are you talking about?" Yuri asked him, he heard what he said despite Ryosuke used his low tone.

"This few days I am having problem with my boyfriend. I can't understand but he was bothered by something. He was always cautious at everything that he do and he was acting paranoid when he was in the middle of the crowd. Plus he spend less time on me and he even didn't send me message nor a call where he is. I wonder if he was cheating on me." Ryosuke sighed in depression.

"Probably." Yuri replied earnestly.

"Can't you at least disagree with me?" Ryosuke asked sarcastically.

"But isn't that something a cheater was doing? If he don't find time for you then that means that he was spending his time with someone else which he loves better than you are." he said directly.

"What do you know about relationship when you are single yourself." Ryosuke asked back and Yuri just shrugged his shoulder. "But I really wonder what he was doing right now? I asked him before but he just got mad. If he have a problem why don't he just tell me. I am his boyfriend so I am willing to help as much as I can. I know he have a problem but If I don't know what it was how can I offer my help?"

"it's not a matter of being single or not." Yuri blurted out. "Even I am not in a relationship for my entire existence I knew how love works. When you start to doubt someone that's the misunderstanding will start. Besides I am your friend so I don't want you to expect too much and in the end you will just hurt. But if ever you did then just come freely on me… I promise I will comfort you." he continued accompanied by a cunning smile.

Finally they were done with their project and both of them decided to go back home. On the way Yuri bought some apples since he plan on using it an ingredient for his new recipe. As they were enjoying talking about Ryosuke's new project in the entertainment industry, the paper bag that holds Yuri's fruits rip and everything rolls down the ground. Ryosuke help Yuri in picking the apples. "You're so clumsy. Do you have an extra where we can put all of this? Besides you're going to eat this yourself right? So why did you bought a lot of them." he asked him.

"I'm not only baking for myself. I also bake for some of my friends." Yuri answered. "But I don't have any bag to put them… what should I do? Should I strip and put the apples on my shirt?" he asked.

"Are you stupid?" his friend asked back. "Wait here I'm going to buy a plastic bag there." he said but before he leave he saw someone standing in the corner and silently watching the two.

"Takaki-sensei." Yuri suddenly called and that startled him. So Yuri knew him and he even called him sensei. Ryosuke have no idea who he was but for some reason he felt like he saw that face before but he just can't remember when and where. "What are you doing here? Are you on your way home?" he asked excitedly.

"Before I answer that… I think you should think about those apples first." Yuya told him.

"Ahh right… Ryosuke I'm just going to buy a plastic bag so wait for me here and look after my apples." Yuri said as he was leaving the two alone. Ryosuke volunteered to buy but Yuri is the one who went and do it. Yuya helped Ryosuke on picking the apples on the ground. He was glad for his help but he was still wondering about that guy. He looks young for a teacher and actually he was good looking and tall.

"Thanks for the help." Ryosuke told him.

"It's fine… Are you by any chance… Chinen's classmate?" he asked normally.

"Yeah I am… we attend the same classes." he answered. "He address you as a teacher… "

"I am a employee of M University. I teach Economics and I am also the adviser of the computer related club where Chinen is a member." he replied completely. "I am Yuya Takaki." he introduced afterwards. Ryosuke is about to introduced himself but he was stop by him. "I knew you… you're quite famous though you're not using your real name."

"Yeah I need to keep my private life hidden." Ryosuke replied. Finally Yuri arrived with that plastic bag that he bought. They put all the apples inside and Yuya also leave them since he still need to go to the hospital to visit Daiki.

"Why do I feel like… I saw him already before?" Ryosuke muttered while he was thinking about thoroughly. He was trying to dig deep inside his mind to answer his own question.

"Takaki-sensei is famous in our school so maybe you saw him already before. You are always absent because of your work you know." Yuri replied back. Ryosuke think about it, probably he was right. He was always away of school because of work and he was not updated with everything that is happening inside the campus but then why do he feel that it was not the answer to his question.

When Kota walk out from the conversation, the meeting also adjourned. Hiro leave the place as if he was not interested anymore of the topic. Ono and Sano were left alone inside the room like they wanted to talk about something but the remained silent for a few minutes.

"What are you planning to do now?" Sano asked Ono, he was the first one to break the silence. "It seems like… that brat knows a lot already. Can't you see it? He knew lots of things and he is probably the one who is selling us out from the caller. There's no way the "caller" will know a lot about our information besides are you not doubting him after what happened? He kept Kei's existence from us and also I don't believe him that Kei have an amnesia. That time that I saw him he was the first one who bulge, he tried to run away. He recognized me and that's the reason he run away from me." he added. "Kota is lying to us… he is a two faced person who is fucking us around. We need to get rid of him already in order to stop this mess."

"No… even we get rid of him… this mess will not be over." Ono told him.

"Wh… what are you talking about?"

"It's as what I said." Ono replied. "Even Kota will die here, this revenge thing will not stop since… he is not the betrayer of this group and his death will just fuel the blaze of the fire." he said.

"But Ono… the truth that he hide Kei's existence, is it not enough proof that he was just…"

"Stop your blabbering Sano." Ono cut his words. "The one who was stalking you, it was not Kei at all. It's not the 'caller' either… it was my men who I asked to follow you and find the truth." he said. "You can't fool me with your nonsense words, from the beginning it was not Kota but you who I doubt the most. I know Kota is hiding something but… he is easy to read and I can tell if he is honest or not. I knew that he was not betraying us besides… he is even trying his best to save everyone of us." he explained. "But how about you? What did you contribute to stop this mess or should I asked the opposite? How much information did you give the 'caller' for his plan to take effect?"

"Wait Ono… are you accusing me of betraying this group?" Sano asked him, looking so flustered about the question thrown on him.

"Then what is the meaning of all the reports my men give to me? You're secretly meeting someone and even calling on your phone. They didn't know who is that person you are talking to but those suspicious acts gives me the idea already that you are betraying this group."

"How lame… you're reasons are lame… just because of that? I am not the one selling this group. I am not betraying Blazerz at all. How can you choose me over Kota? Have you forgotten that the two of us were together for longer time? Don't you trust me at all?"

"I know you a lot… that's the reason I am suspecting you." Ono said seriously. "I don't have a proof yet right now but if ever I have proven that it was you, you know what can I do right? To what extent I can do in order to protect myself and my pride."

"Are you threatening me?" Sano asked him back. "Have you forgotten how much I know about you as well? You can't hide the truth from Kota forever… as what I can see he is near to the truth and if he ever found out the truth I don't think he will see you the way he did before nor try to save you in this mess." he continued to threatened him. "Every sin that you hold, I know everything about it."

Sano gasped as he felt something sharp point on his neck. Ono was too quick with his knife ability that he was not able to noticed that he already point him with it. "Tell him at your own risk." he whispered while glaring at him with everything that he have. Sano trembled in fear. It's been long gone since he saw those eyes of Ono, it's the same eyes when they killed Sakura that night. Ono kept his knife and decided to leave. Sano was left all alone while still silent in his position.

"This shit!" he cursed. "Fine… I am the betrayer but does it matter? You're going to die anyway besides you're next on the list." he uttered as he smirked. "Say goodbye to the world Ono, your reign will be over soon."

Since Hikaru have spare time he decided to visit Daiki in the hospital. He heard that he was operated and he need to stay in that place for another week for the recuperation process. Daiki was missing a lot in class because of his absence and also his activity in the club.

"How are you doing?" Hikaru asked Daiki casually.

"Not okay… my operation hurt a lot." he replied. He still looks weak because of the operation but he can already smile despite of his situation. "How's the club? Is it doing well with the competition?"

"So far we already have 2 gold medals." Hikaru answered proudly. He looked around the private room where Daiki was confined and noticed that there is a little girl sleeping in the sofa. "W...who is that? Don't tell me… you're into young girls now?"

"Yeah I am." Daiki answered sarcastically. "She is a friend. She lives near my apartment and that's where we became close. She came for a visit but after a few talks she falls asleep. Her father will be here anytime soon to pick her up." Daiki explained. "Anyway you wanted fruits? Yuya brought me a lot and I don't think I can finished everything of this. It will be bad if it will get rotten."

Hikaru get an apple and take it a bite on it immediately. He asked if Daiki wants it but he refused. Hikaru sit down on the chair near the sick's bed and while enjoying his apple, he opened a topic that made Daiki in confusion. "Daiki, did you know what really happened to Kei before he lost his memories?" he asked and that almost choked the young guy. He was not expecting it will be asked all of a sudden. "I'm just curious about it. " Hikaru added. He knew what happened to Kei since Kota confessed the truth but he was wondering if Kei really get his amnesia due to that or if there is something else. He was getting tired of seeing Kota being so pathetic over Kei and so he wanted to help him by finding a good opportunity for him.

"It was an accident. Before the graduation in our high school he met an accident and that leave him no choice but to give up school and stay on his grandmother's house." Daiki explained. "Why did you asked this all of a sudden?"

"Are you sure… it's an accident?" Hikaru asked. He don't want to believe the accident part since he knew the truth about Kei's case. He was waiting for Daiki's reply but the smaller guy remained in silence. He felt like he open some terrible topic so he just push it aside. "A… are you tired already? I'm sorry for asking such question. I am… just curious about it. I've been with Kei this few days and noticed how he was being optimistic about life despite of his situation. It feels like… he was not scared of anything at all and he was ready to face everything no matter what it is."

"What are you talking about?" Daiki asked him. "Everything that Kei was showing… it's all just a mask to cover his true feelings. I was there when Kei suffered the weakest and vulnerable side of him. There were so many times he curse his own life. He cried all the time, can't sleep at night and even tried to end his life because of all the depression that he was suffering. Strong? Brave? I think he just became a stone who refused to feel anything. He was fragile, one push and he will totally collapse. That's how weak he was…before and probably even now." he stopped for a moment and whispered "and...everything is my fault."

"Your fault? Why? What did you do?" Hikaru asked but before Daiki was able to reply someone knocked on the door and it was Ono. He was wearing a lab gown but he was not there to check on Daiki but to get his daughter. Ono looks surprised when he saw Hikaru inside the room. It's the first time the two encountered each other in a situation like that. Hikaru hate Ono. Ever since Kota introduced him to him, he knew that Ono is not a type of person he can trust and he wonder so much why Kota idolized that guy when he only knew how to sing. To be honest he think that Kota can do better than Ono, it's just Kota is a scaredy cat. Plus he can't forget what he did to Keito, about the plagiarism that happened though he know that Keito didn't do anything wrong and it was Ono who did the bad thing.

"I'm surprised to see you here." Ono told him while he was checking on his daughter who was sleeping peacefully. "So… you and Daiki are friends?" he asked but Hikaru remained in silence. Ono lifted up his daughter and piggy back her. "Stop glaring at me like that Hikaru.. I hate it. Obviously you're still affected by the past stuffs. Can you do me a favour? Why don't you just forget about it."

"Forget about it? Are you kidding me?" Hikaru asked him back. "After all the things you've done to my best friend. There's no way… I will forgive someone like you."

"How long will you keep this anger Hikaru? You can't move on with the present because you are still caged on the memories of the past. Besides… is there any sense to continue this anger… that guy is already dead." Ono told him which just made Hikaru more pissed off. "He himself didn't say a thing about it." he continued. "Anyway… I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm going… Daiki, thanks for taking care of my daughter and sorry for her bothering you so much."

" it's fine." Daiki answered back. Ono leave the room while Hikaru was still angry seeing his face. Daiki didn't say a thing besides he also knew the reason why Hikaru was like that. He heard the news about what happened to his best friend before and until now he was affected by it.

Author's Note: Happy 8th anniversary Hey Say Jump. I am not active with JUMP fandorm right now but i am still updated with them but i don't flail that i used to before. Maybe becasue i am busy with my personal life but you can also say that i am busy with my new fandom but it doesn't mean that i already forget about my first love. JUMP still plays a big part of my life and they will remain as the best group i ever encountered and it is still my dream to see them one day in their concert. I just hope for them to be a stronger group and don't loss any member until i finally see you perform in person. So far i am happy with the equal treatment with the members, i was there in the whole process and witness how all of you change a lot.

I'm sorry if we can't buy your new single, we are planning to watch OOR concert so i need to save money but if i can able to earn a lot, we will continue collecting your single. For now i can also give you my support through online and then writing fic hehe.

Happy Anniversary again.

pairing: yabunoo, chaptered: never to betray you again

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