Fanfic: A Road To You (Chapter 15)

Dec 12, 2011 16:38

TItle: A Road To You
Author: me^___^
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot.
Characters: Kei Inoo and Kota Yabu
Summary: Kei hates Kota for many reasons but Kota likes Kei for only one reason. One day a twist of event suddenly change the path that the two are taking, Kei needs to work for Kota and as he stays in that mansion he slowly unfold the truth behind Kota's actions

A Road To You
Chapter 15
After 6 years...

Kota parks his car in the VIP parking area and then went straight to his office. On his way, everyone is greeting him good morning and he is also replying back to them. As he reaches the top most part of the building where his office can be found, he is been welcome by his secretary where she told him all his appointment that day.

Kota is already 24 years old and at that young age he is already the president of that multinational company. He graduated in a famous university and he is top the examination and now he became a really rich individual.

Kota went to the meeting hall where presidents of other companies are there to have a talk to him about investment and economy. Their company is still doing well and in fact they are making it to the most top company in the country because of its achievement and sales. After that meeting, Kota went back to his office where he needs to sign some important papers especially about the construction of their other branch in the north part of the country.  Yabu Corporation are well known for their very artistic building construction and so they also want that the northern branch will be as great as well.

After doing the signing, his secretary came in and said that someone is searching for him.

"Who is she?" Kota asked her.

"Lady Marina together with her daughter. She said that she wants to see you." she answered.

Kota look at his watch and he thought that they came earlier than what he is expecting. He asked his secretary to cancel the other appointment that he has that day and he will be out early to have time with the two who pay a visit for him. The secretary did what her boss told him and then Kota leaves his office at ease.

Kota meet Marina and her daughter named Sora who is 6 years old in the lobby. Ones Kota showed himself to them, Sora excitedly run towards him and jumps for Kota to catch her and lift her up.

"Daddy!" Sora shouted in happiness as she jumps over him. "I miss you so much."

"Sora... Me too. How are you doing? How was your vacation?" he asked as he lifts her up on his arms. Marina is approaching the two of them and then she smiled, greeting Kota a good day.

"Sora, you should not jump all of a sudden to someone." Marina said. "You will get injured if you continue doing that."

"It's alright... I know daddy will going to catch me." Sora answered and then she smiled cutely. "Daddy... I am hungry let us eat together with mommy."

"Of course... I am about to say that. I will drive. Marina, let's go." Kota said. They went to the parking area where Kota's car is in there and then he drives them going to Sora's favourite restaurant. Sora ordered her favourite dish and then when it arrives they all eat together. For the rest of the time, Sora didn't stop telling things about what they did in the beach and also the fireworks and the foods. She is really talkative for a 6 years old girl.  She also said that she want to go there again but now together with Kota.

"Seems like Sora really enjoy it." Kota told Marina who is silently eating in her corner. "How about you? Did you enjoy it as well?"

"Of course I did, just seeing Sora smiling and laughing it makes me happy already."

"I am glad to hear that. It's been a while since you went somewhere and enjoy your life."

"Daddy is very concern with mommy ne. It's nice to see you together." Sora commented.

"Sora do you want to go to a park? Let us go inside a haunted house."

"But that place is scary..."

"It's alright... I will hold your hands tightly so that you will not be scared."


The three of them went to the nearest amusement park and then Kota start touring Sora all around the place. They ride everything that Sora chooses to experience, of course Kota together with him. It's been a very nice day to the three of them until Sora gets hungry again and she asked the two to eat. They went to a seafood restaurant where they eat again.  Kota is watching Sora eating her food when he saw a familiar face in the glass wall of that restaurant.

"Kei..." Kota whispered but it is clear enough for Marina to hear. She looks at Kota who is looking outside and then he immediately stands up and went outside of the restaurant.

"Kota, where are you going?" Marina asked him.

"Mom, who is Kei?" Sora asked innocently but Marina didn't bother to answer it.

Kota runs following the guy who is running away as well from him. There are lots of people already so it is not easy to chase after that guy that he saw.

"Kei wait!" he shouted but he is not heard until the guy that he is following is already gone and vanish from his sight  but then after a minute he saw him again and now he make sure that he will not miss him again. He run as fast as he can to follow that familiar guy and when he is already near him he tap his shoulder and that guy look at him with his puzzled look. It is a wrong person, he doesn't look like Kei at any angle. He is breathing deeply after that chase but it didn't go well and he feels a little bit disappointed. Maybe he is hallucinating things and he think that he saw him somewhere around the park.

Kota came back to the restaurant and then Marina approaches him. "Why did you leave immediately? Where did you go?"

"I'm sorry... It's just that..."

"You saw him?"

"No... It is not him" Kota answered back and then he sighs.

"Daddy, who is that someone you chased a while ago?" Sora asked curiously.  "Is he an important person to you?"

"Nothing... I just thought he is someone. Let us continue eating." Kota answered her and then he ruffles her hair.

At the mansion, Sam welcomes the three and she get their things and shopping bags. Elisa is also there to meet them and Sora hugs Elisa tightly in her arms. Elisa just came by from her vacation and so she didn't see Marina and Sora for a while.

"It's nice to see the two of you again." Elisa said. "You look fine, Marina after all what happened." she continued.

"Yeah... Thanks to your son that everything is going fine. We will stay here until tomorrow and then after that we will leave already." Marina answered.

"It's nice meeting you, Marina.  Hope you can go back here in this mansion together with Sora someday. You are more than welcome to this house."

Marina nodded and then after that Kota brings them to their room. While he is busy talking to them, his phone ring and it is a call coming from the office. It is a business call from his partner who is taking responsibility about the northern branch that they are planning to raise.  After 20 minutes of talking he went back to the room and that time Sora is already sleeping peacefully. She got tired because of playing around all day but it is obvious that she really enjoy it.

"What is it?" Marina asked.

"It's about the branch that we will going to construct in the northern part. They said that I should go there to meet the other official for that project. I need to go tomorrow in the airport and I will be gone for a week so...I can't bring you to the airport tomorrow and say a proper goodbye." Kota answered her back. "I'm sorry but I will try to do something to delay my flight even just a little."

"No... You don't need to do that. Kota you have done so much for us and I am happy already. Sora is also happy being with you today. Do you want me to pack your things for tomorrow? I can help you with that." Marina volunteered and then Kota nodded as he open his laptop and checks his email for the plane ticket that is sent to him.

Marina is fixing his luggage when she saw a small box inside Kota's cabinet and then she opens it and saw a picture which is taken when Kota is still in high school. He was still an innocent boy that time but now he grow up to be somebody but what attracts her attention is Kota's picture together with Kei. His face is dirty that time but he looks so happy in that picture.

"Kota, where is this picture taken?" Marina asked as she shows the picture to Kota. Kota is surprised that Marina open his box but then he can't do something about since it is already been seen. "I’m sorry if I open it without any permission."

"No, it's alright... That is taken when I visit their house. It is Nana's birthday that time and then his sister took a photo of us."

"You look so happy here." Marina whispered. "It is something I didn't have a chance to give to is something I take away from you." she continued while looking at the picture. Kota stand up from where he is sitting down and then he take the picture away from Marina and also the box and put the picture frame back to the box.

"What are you talking about? Past is past.... Forget about it. What you must think about now is how to make Sora's life better right? After all this years you also suffer so much."

"Maybe a karma for destroying other's life."

Kota sigh and then he grab Marina and drag him into his chest and hugs her gently in his arms.  "It's alright... It's not your fault. Everything will be fine. You will be fine, you just need to be strong."

"Yeah, hopefully."

Marina already takes her rest, she is sleeping besides Sora and both of them are already in their own dream land. Kota is still typing thing and preparing things for his leave tomorrow when the box destroy his concentration. He takes the box near him and then open it. That box is where he hides all the memories of his past. Pictures, letters and things that he considered have sentimental value on it. There is a small box in that big box and then he put it out. He opens it and it is a necklace with a music note pendant. He takes off the foam that is inside the box and there is a small piece of paper hiding on it. He flips it up and then start reading that short letter that is address to him.

Dear Yabu,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Should I say anything more than this? Honestly I don't know what to write... No it’s not about I have nothing to write but it is about I have so many things I want to write that a piece of paper like this will not be enough. I want to curse you so much till you die but I think fate doesn't allow it because he just provide me a small sheet of paper to write on. I don't know if you will like this but be glad that I buy you a gift...

PS: Happy Birthday... Your existence is well appreciated by the guy who write this letter^_____^

Kei Inoo.


Morning came and Kota needs to go to the airport already coz his partner and his secretary is already waiting for him in the airport but before he go he said farewell to Marina and Sora and saying that he will miss the two so much and if ever he will go to their country he will surely visit them.

"Hope you can find your happiness already coz I let you free." Marina said and then she smiled and said her farewell.

Elisa volunteers to drive Kota going to the airport, after hour of journey they already reach it.

"Make sure the project will be going right." Elisa told Kota.

"Yeah I know... Mom, please take care of the company while I am gone. It will be only a week but I think it is already a long time for the company."

"Don't worry about it son, if you are there I also want you to rest for a while and enjoy your life. Don't worry about the company I will take care of it. See you again." Elisa said as Kota already went to the departing area. While Elisa is watching Kota vanish from her sight, her phone ring and it is call coming from an investigator.

"You found him already?" she asked. "Why did you just tell me? My son already leave going to the northern to do something for the construction of the northern branch. Where is he? Eh? He is also on his way to the northern part?"


"Welcome to Hoshin Hotel Mr. Kei Shorin, we already confirm about your reservation. We will lead you to your rooms." the assistant of the hotel said.

"Ne, uncle this hotel is so big." a cute little guy said.

"Yeah... You are really rich ne." another cute guy said.

"I really wonder why I need to bring you together with me." Kei said as he look at the twin in front of him and also Mina and Kier. The twins are their child and they join Kei going to the northern for some vacation. They also invited their mother to go with them but she is busy having her vacation in other country together with her new husband and so she just said that they should enjoy that exciting vacation in the northern.

"It's fine Kei, we will not disturb you to your work besides we are check in other room while you will stay with the other project member. You know what you are being risky you know, you accepted a project where you didn't know who is the leader. But then booking a big hotel like this maybe your boss is something so big." his sister commented.

"Fine...fine... Go and enjoy yourself. I will meet the other members of this project." he answered.

Nee-chan is right. I know it is not good to take a contract without knowing the main mastermind. It is too risky but then I wonder why I approve with it. Well they told me about the overview of the project, its goal and dimension and it sounds good to me. For what I know the mastermind of this project is a 24 years old guy, he is about a year older than me. He is too young to be a president of his own company and he is quiet good. I wonder if we can get along together. It will be my benefit if we did. If I have a big time client that means bigger project for me. Besides I have lots of time, I don't have my own family to worry about. Mom is doing fine with my step father while neechan is doing fine with Kier and the twin and for someone like me who decided not to love anymore.. I will just make myself busy with works. I guess it’s better that way. 
After 6 years...

Kota parks his car in the VIP parking area and then went straight to his office. On his way, everyone is greeting him good morning and he is also replying back to them. As he reaches the top most part of the building where his office can be found, he is been welcome by his secretary where she told him all his appointment that day.

Kota is already 24 years old and at that young age he is already the president of that multinational company. He graduated in a famous university and he is top the examination and now he became a really rich individual.

Kota went to the meeting hall where presidents of other companies are there to have a talk to him about investment and economy. Their company is still doing well and in fact they are making it to the most top company in the country because of its achievement and sales. After that meeting, Kota went back to his office where he needs to sign some important papers especially about the construction of their other branch in the north part of the country.  Yabu Corporation are well known for their very artistic building construction and so they also want that the northern branch will be as great as well.

After doing the signing, his secretary came in and said that someone is searching for him.

"Who is she?" Kota asked her.

"Lady Marina together with her daughter. She said that she wants to see you." she answered.

Kota look at his watch and he thought that they came earlier than what he is expecting. He asked his secretary to cancel the other appointment that he has that day and he will be out early to have time with the two who pay a visit for him. The secretary did what her boss told him and then Kota leaves his office at ease.

Kota meet Marina and her daughter named Sora who is 6 years old in the lobby. Ones Kota showed himself to them, Sora excitedly run towards him and jumps for Kota to catch her and lift her up.

"Daddy!" Sora shouted in happiness as she jumps over him. "I miss you so much."

"Sora... Me too. How are you doing? How was your vacation?" he asked as he lifts her up on his arms. Marina is approaching the two of them and then she smiled, greeting Kota a good day.

"Sora, you should not jump all of a sudden to someone." Marina said. "You will get injured if you continue doing that."

"It's alright... I know daddy will going to catch me." Sora answered and then she smiled cutely. "Daddy... I am hungry let us eat together with mommy."

"Of course... I am about to say that. I will drive. Marina, let's go." Kota said. They went to the parking area where Kota's car is in there and then he drives them going to Sora's favourite restaurant. Sora ordered her favourite dish and then when it arrives they all eat together. For the rest of the time, Sora didn't stop telling things about what they did in the beach and also the fireworks and the foods. She is really talkative for a 6 years old girl.  She also said that she want to go there again but now together with Kota.

"Seems like Sora really enjoy it." Kota told Marina who is silently eating in her corner. "How about you? Did you enjoy it as well?"

"Of course I did, just seeing Sora smiling and laughing it makes me happy already."

"I am glad to hear that. It's been a while since you went somewhere and enjoy your life."

"Daddy is very concern with mommy ne. It's nice to see you together." Sora commented.

"Sora do you want to go to a park? Let us go inside a haunted house."

"But that place is scary..."

"It's alright... I will hold your hands tightly so that you will not be scared."


The three of them went to the nearest amusement park and then Kota start touring Sora all around the place. They ride everything that Sora chooses to experience, of course Kota together with him. It's been a very nice day to the three of them until Sora gets hungry again and she asked the two to eat. They went to a seafood restaurant where they eat again.  Kota is watching Sora eating her food when he saw a familiar face in the glass wall of that restaurant.

"Kei..." Kota whispered but it is clear enough for Marina to hear. She looks at Kota who is looking outside and then he immediately stands up and went outside of the restaurant.

"Kota, where are you going?" Marina asked him.

"Mom, who is Kei?" Sora asked innocently but Marina didn't bother to answer it.

Kota runs following the guy who is running away as well from him. There are lots of people already so it is not easy to chase after that guy that he saw.

"Kei wait!" he shouted but he is not heard until the guy that he is following is already gone and vanish from his sight  but then after a minute he saw him again and now he make sure that he will not miss him again. He run as fast as he can to follow that familiar guy and when he is already near him he tap his shoulder and that guy look at him with his puzzled look. It is a wrong person, he doesn't look like Kei at any angle. He is breathing deeply after that chase but it didn't go well and he feels a little bit disappointed. Maybe he is hallucinating things and he think that he saw him somewhere around the park.

Kota came back to the restaurant and then Marina approaches him. "Why did you leave immediately? Where did you go?"

"I'm sorry... It's just that..."

"You saw him?"

"No... It is not him" Kota answered back and then he sighs.

"Daddy, who is that someone you chased a while ago?" Sora asked curiously.  "Is he an important person to you?"

"Nothing... I just thought he is someone. Let us continue eating." Kota answered her and then he ruffles her hair.

At the mansion, Sam welcomes the three and she get their things and shopping bags. Elisa is also there to meet them and Sora hugs Elisa tightly in her arms. Elisa just came by from her vacation and so she didn't see Marina and Sora for a while.

"It's nice to see the two of you again." Elisa said. "You look fine, Marina after all what happened." she continued.

"Yeah... Thanks to your son that everything is going fine. We will stay here until tomorrow and then after that we will leave already." Marina answered.

"It's nice meeting you, Marina.  Hope you can go back here in this mansion together with Sora someday. You are more than welcome to this house."

Marina nodded and then after that Kota brings them to their room. While he is busy talking to them, his phone ring and it is a call coming from the office. It is a business call from his partner who is taking responsibility about the northern branch that they are planning to raise.  After 20 minutes of talking he went back to the room and that time Sora is already sleeping peacefully. She got tired because of playing around all day but it is obvious that she really enjoy it.

"What is it?" Marina asked.

"It's about the branch that we will going to construct in the northern part. They said that I should go there to meet the other official for that project. I need to go tomorrow in the airport and I will be gone for a week so...I can't bring you to the airport tomorrow and say a proper goodbye." Kota answered her back. "I'm sorry but I will try to do something to delay my flight even just a little."

"No... You don't need to do that. Kota you have done so much for us and I am happy already. Sora is also happy being with you today. Do you want me to pack your things for tomorrow? I can help you with that." Marina volunteered and then Kota nodded as he open his laptop and checks his email for the plane ticket that is sent to him.

Marina is fixing his luggage when she saw a small box inside Kota's cabinet and then she opens it and saw a picture which is taken when Kota is still in high school. He was still an innocent boy that time but now he grow up to be somebody but what attracts her attention is Kota's picture together with Kei. His face is dirty that time but he looks so happy in that picture.

"Kota, where is this picture taken?" Marina asked as she shows the picture to Kota. Kota is surprised that Marina open his box but then he can't do something about since it is already been seen. "I’m sorry if I open it without any permission."

"No, it's alright... That is taken when I visit their house. It is Nana's birthday that time and then his sister took a photo of us."

"You look so happy here." Marina whispered. "It is something I didn't have a chance to give to is something I take away from you." she continued while looking at the picture. Kota stand up from where he is sitting down and then he take the picture away from Marina and also the box and put the picture frame back to the box.

"What are you talking about? Past is past.... Forget about it. What you must think about now is how to make Sora's life better right? After all this years you also suffer so much."

"Maybe a karma for destroying other's life."

Kota sigh and then he grab Marina and drag him into his chest and hugs her gently in his arms.  "It's alright... It's not your fault. Everything will be fine. You will be fine, you just need to be strong."

"Yeah, hopefully."

Marina already takes her rest, she is sleeping besides Sora and both of them are already in their own dream land. Kota is still typing thing and preparing things for his leave tomorrow when the box destroy his concentration. He takes the box near him and then open it. That box is where he hides all the memories of his past. Pictures, letters and things that he considered have sentimental value on it. There is a small box in that big box and then he put it out. He opens it and it is a necklace with a music note pendant. He takes off the foam that is inside the box and there is a small piece of paper hiding on it. He flips it up and then start reading that short letter that is address to him.

Dear Yabu,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Should I say anything more than this? Honestly I don't know what to write... No it’s not about I have nothing to write but it is about I have so many things I want to write that a piece of paper like this will not be enough. I want to curse you so much till you die but I think fate doesn't allow it because he just provide me a small sheet of paper to write on. I don't know if you will like this but be glad that I buy you a gift...

PS: Happy Birthday... Your existence is well appreciated by the guy who write this letter^_____^

Kei Inoo.


Morning came and Kota needs to go to the airport already coz his partner and his secretary is already waiting for him in the airport but before he go he said farewell to Marina and Sora and saying that he will miss the two so much and if ever he will go to their country he will surely visit them.

"Hope you can find your happiness already coz I let you free." Marina said and then she smiled and said her farewell.

Elisa volunteers to drive Kota going to the airport, after hour of journey they already reach it.

"Make sure the project will be going right." Elisa told Kota.

"Yeah I know... Mom, please take care of the company while I am gone. It will be only a week but I think it is already a long time for the company."

"Don't worry about it son, if you are there I also want you to rest for a while and enjoy your life. Don't worry about the company I will take care of it. See you again." Elisa said as Kota already went to the departing area. While Elisa is watching Kota vanish from her sight, her phone ring and it is call coming from an investigator.

"You found him already?" she asked. "Why did you just tell me? My son already leave going to the northern to do something for the construction of the northern branch. Where is he? Eh? He is also on his way to the northern part?"


"Welcome to Hoshin Hotel Mr. Kei Shorin, we already confirm about your reservation. We will lead you to your rooms." the assistant of the hotel said.

"Ne, uncle this hotel is so big." a cute little guy said.

"Yeah... You are really rich ne." another cute guy said.

"I really wonder why I need to bring you together with me." Kei said as he look at the twin in front of him and also Mina and Kier. The twins are their child and they join Kei going to the northern for some vacation. They also invited their mother to go with them but she is busy having her vacation in other country together with her new husband and so she just said that they should enjoy that exciting vacation in the northern.

"It's fine Kei, we will not disturb you to your work besides we are check in other room while you will stay with the other project member. You know what you are being risky you know, you accepted a project where you didn't know who is the leader. But then booking a big hotel like this maybe your boss is something so big." his sister commented.

"Fine...fine... Go and enjoy yourself. I will meet the other members of this project." he answered.

Nee-chan is right. I know it is not good to take a contract without knowing the main mastermind. It is too risky but then I wonder why I approve with it. Well they told me about the overview of the project, its goal and dimension and it sounds good to me. For what I know the mastermind of this project is a 24 years old guy, he is about a year older than me. He is too young to be a president of his own company and he is quiet good. I wonder if we can get along together. It will be my benefit if we did. If I have a big time client that means bigger project for me. Besides I have lots of time, I don't have my own family to worry about. Mom is doing fine with my step father while neechan is doing fine with Kier and the twin and for someone like me who decided not to love anymore.. I will just make myself busy with works. I guess it’s better that way.

To Be Continued...

pairing: yabunoo, chaptered: a road to you

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