Fanfic: A Road To You (Chapter 13)

Dec 05, 2011 16:50

TItle: A Road To You
Author: me^___^
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot.
Characters: Kei Inoo and Kota Yabu
Summary: Kei hates Kota for many reasons but Kota likes Kei for only one reason. One day a twist of event suddenly change the path that the two are taking, Kei needs to work for Kota and as he stays in that mansion he slowly unfold the truth behind Kota's actions.
Warning: As of this moment.. just the kissing scene and the words used.

A Road To You
Chapter 13

"Kou-chan." Elisa called when he saw her son passing the corridor and he is on his way to his school. Kota stops walking and greeted his mother. "How is school? Are you doing fine?"

"Yeah, it's just fine." Kota answered briefly.

"I hope you are not forgetting what we have talked before, right? You need to study harder to prepare for your future. You wanted to be accepted, right? So we will do any means to do that. I am just concern with your future my son. I want you to be happy coz you deserve it." she said and then she hugs Kota tightly in her arms. Kota is taller than her compare to when he is just a young little boy who has a height just the same as her chest. He can smell the same perfume of his own mother but that doesn't give him nice memories but just a bad past.

"I need to go mom, I will be late already." Kota said.

"Wait, tonight we will be going to celebrate Marina's birthday in this house. I hope you can invite some of your friends as well and also why don't you bring Kei here? He is more than welcome in this house."

Kota gaze at his mother and then he just nodded and then leave.


Last night I know I did something which I should not. What the hell I am telling, it just suddenly burst out. I already told Yabu that I like him, I love him but then, is it really the right thing? Now, we can be considered lovers right? But... How should both guys act as lovers? I really don't have any idea.

Kei was in the president's office being troubled by those things about Kota when someone knock and it is Kota who enter with a very powerful aura that is hitting Kei's heartstring. The way he can see Kota now is totally different from where they are before. After a long period of that tiring hiding now they already reach each other.

"Wh...what are you doing here? Didn't I tell you that this area is restricted?" Kei said.

"I want to see you." Kota answered. "Don't you want to see me?" he continued.

"It's not like that but if you want to see me we can just send mails to each other right? It's being your habit to go here which is totally wrong."

"I can't help it. Ne, President let us have a date after class. It's my treat."

" I...I am busy. I can't go." Kei answered him.

"Liar." Kota whispered. "I will pick you up 4pm. I will wait to you in the gate. Don't be late or I will punish you." Kota warned him.

"How dare you to say that. You are not my master anymore, you know."

"Yeah but I own your heart already so you are mine." he answered back and then he leave immediately. Kei sit down and then sigh. He feels nervous now talking to Kota compare to before. He feels change and he don't know how to cope with that. They are not just friends anymore where he can act normally but they are now lovers who have deeper relationship with each other.


After class, Kei went back to the office to fix some papers that is given to him in the last minute, it's already pass 4pm and he is thinking if Kota is still waiting for him. He rushes doing the paper works but he still finished it after an hour. He immediately fixes his things and rush going down to see if Kota is still waiting and then when he looks at the gate no one is standing there.

Di...did he left already?"

Kei looks around again and then he was startled when someone hugs him from his back.

"You're looking for me, president?" Kota whispered in his ear and that tickles him.

"Stop doing that." Kei whined. "And why are you hugging me. What if someone sees us here like this?" he asked.

"It's fine, no one is here anymore." Kota answered him as he let go of his arms and free Kei's body but all of a sudden he grab Kei's hand and link their fingers together. "Let's go."

Kei nodded and they both walk together. The first place where Kota bring Kei is a restaurant coz he knows that he is hungry already after all the works that he did that day. He is becoming more busy because graduation is about to come and there are lots of papers that is need to be compile with and he is helping the faculty with those things.

"How is it?" Kota asked as he just watches Kei eat and he even didn't touching the food in front of him.

"Ne, Yabu you don't want to eat?" Kei asked him.

"I am not hungry." Kota answered him.

"I know you don't want to be fat but then you need to eat. I noticed that you eat less when I am still working in the mansion. What is with you? Do you want to die early?" Kei commented. Kota smiled as he glares at Kei, he suddenly move his hand and then wipe the sauce that is sticking near Kei's mouth. Kei is surprised when Kota did that to him.

"Why? Are you worried about me?" Kota asked him.

"Don't do that." Kei whispered. "We are in a public restaurant you know."

"Like I said we should go to that restaurant a while ago."

"Don't spend too much money for a date. You need to think about future as well. Rich people easily spend money because they have it whenever they want. But we can enjoy a date even without spending too much."

"Ne, Kei... Let us spend the whole night together." Kota suddenly uttered and that surprised Kei. Kei looks at Kota in surprised.

"Wh...what do you mean by that?" Kei asked him.

"Don't think too much. I will not touch you if you don't want to. I just want to spend time together with you. I just can't believe that... You are mine already."

Kei blush with what Kota said and so he continued eating without responding with what just Kota told him earlier. After eating, the two of them walk together in the park where lovers are also going. The cold wind is blowing in their faces but they feel warm with each other’s arms. They sit down for a while and then look at the sun setting.

"Ne, Yabu... We will graduate soon right? And then... You are planning to go to other country to study." Kei started, that is one thing that is been playing around his mind.

"I will not go." Kota answered him directly. "There is no way I can leave you here."

"Huh? Wait... What the hell are you talking about? Are you telling me that you will give up on it like that? What if your mother got mad?"

"Actually I really don't want to go there, I want to study here but then my mother force me too but now since I have a reason to stay then...I will stay. I will apply to your university as well so we will stay together."

"Wait... It's not as easy as that Yabu." Kei suddenly said. "I mean... It's not like I am telling you that you can't make it to my university but... You have a bigger dream right? I...I know your story, what happen to your past. Sam told me everything. It's your dream to be accepted by the main family right? To prove that you are not just nothing. You can do it if you are studying abroad and not here."

"Yeah, it is true that it is my dream but I want to do that in my own effort. I feel more accomplish if I will do that and not relying in other's help. Besides since you are mine already, you are now part of my future. I will plan my future together with you and if I will go abroad we will not see each other for years and I can't stand it, just not seeing you for an hour it already feels like eternity."

"Shut up!" Kei shouted. "I am just concern with your future so I am telling that besides... Do you think this relationship will reach our future? I mean... w...we are both guys, we....we can't marry each other...we can't bear child..."

"We love each other and that is what matters, we can reach future with just that. Kei... I like you and I will protect you. I want you to be happy in my side, I will do my best to do that, but if it came a time that you feel tired of this, I will let you go and marry a woman and have your own family. I can do that... But that is... If you will get tired of me. Do you think I will let that happen? I will not let go of you... Our hands will always link to each other, coz they fit together." Kota answered Kei and then he gently drags Kei's head into him and then kisses him gently.

While the two are kissing each other Kei's phone ring, he immediately answer it coz it is his mother asking where they are and if he is with Kota. She said that Kei should bring Kota back to the mansion coz his mother is already searching for him and the party is about to start.

The two rush going to the mansion or else Nana will beat the two. Nana meets them up in the back of the kitchen and brings them to Kota's room to change clothes.

"Where did the two of you go? Madam is so worried about you young master. She told you that there will be a party tonight right? It is lady Marina's birthday and you are her escort." Nana said as she fixes Kota's clothes.

"Me?" Kota asked in surprised. "Mom, didn't told me that. I don't want to be her escort." he complained.

"But, madam already planned it so you can't back off now." Nana answered him.

"It's alright." Kei suddenly joined the conversation. "It's just an escort... After this party you are still mine right?"

Kota smiled and then when Nana put the last button he look at Kei "Of course my master." he said and then he run going to his mother to show that he is there. Nana looks at Kei who is hiding his face in his palm while sitting down in a chair.

"Ne, mom do you think it is fine for me and Kota to be together? I just feel that... I don't want to let go of him from now on." Kei asked.

"Kei... Didn't I tell you that I accept you and your decision no matter what will happen? You are my son and I trust you so much that I know you will not make bad decisions that can harm yourself. You are smart and young master as well." Nana answered him.

"If only I am a better individual... I want to help Yabu in his dreams. Mom, I will study harder. I will make myself a name and I will help Yabu to reach his dreams. I will do my best to prove that I am someone who deserves someone like him." Kei claimed and then Nana hugs her tightly in her arms. After that meaningful conversation, the two went out of the room and went straight to the party hall where there are lots of visitors. Marina is sitting down in an enchanting style chair with Kota standing beside her. She is wearing a beautiful pink dress, highlighting her long blond curly hair.

Her family is there as well and they are celebrating her 18th birthday. Her friends from the State are also there and also other elite people. It is a party for elite people and that time Kei thinks that he is really far from Kota's level of life. As he watches and observes him in the stage where Kota is talking to some of rich people, he looks so professional. He looks so outcast but actually he is a good speaker especially in this kind of occasion.

"Kota, why are you late? What is Kei doing together with you?" Elisa asked his son when Kota is no longer occupied by those people talking to him. "I ask Nana to call his son and then I found out that you are with him when I already told you that you should be here coz there is a party for Marina's birthday."

"I am sorry mom." Kota answered her.

"I don't want this attitude of you Kota, is this what Nana's son teaching you? He is acting a bad influence to you, don't hang around with him anymore."

"Kei is not a bad influence to me." Kota answered his mother with his serious tone of voice. "You don't have the right to say that when you didn't have a chance to know him more. Besides I am the one who drag him to go somewhere since I really don't want to go to this party."

"How dare you to say that you don't want to go... Kota this is not just about Marina's birthday. There is something more on this so better behave my son." Elisa told him and then she leave to assist the other visitors.

Kei is walking around, watching the visitors how they interact with each other but he really feels that he doesn't belong to the world of the elite and so he went to the balcony and stay there for a moment.

I want to go home. Mom is busy in the kitchen and she doesn't want me to help. This whole party is not my thing. This just bore me but then... I can't just leave and let Marina handle Yabu. I have a reason to stay here right?

"Yo, pretty. What are you doing here all alone?" someone asked. Kei look at his back and he saw a middle age man walking and with a glass of beer in his hand, he seems so drunk already. "What are you doing here alone? Do you want to dance with me?"

"What the hell... Are you thinking that I am a girl?" Kei asked him.

"Eh? Are you not?" he asked and then he hiccupped. "Your face looks so pretty, it's smooth." he said and then he touch Kei's face and that surprised Kei. He is about to go already when the old man grab his hand and let him near to him.

"Wait, let go of me. I am a guy... I am not a girl. You are too drunk already. Let go of me." Kei said as he push the old man away from him but for some reason even the old man is drunk he has still a stronger grip on him that he can't free his hand away from that old man.

"You are a guy? Are you sure?" the old man asked and then he touch Kei's chest. "Eh? I think you are just flat."

"Huh? Of course I am flat coz I am a guy... I said let me go old man. I don't have time with you. Let go of me." Kei shouted and then all of a sudden someone separate Kei's hand to that old man. Kei and the old man look at their side and they saw Kota standing there holding Kei's hand.

"Wh...who are you?" the old man asked.

"I am sorry sir, but this lady is already mine. You can find other partner inside the party." Kota answered him. The old man is surprised about that, he said that if only Kei told it earlier then he will not bother him.

"That was a shock." Kei whispered and then he looks at Kota when he saw him laughing in his corner. "And why are you laughing??"

"Many people really think that you are a girl right?" Kota asked him. "Ne, I think you should not let your guard down. Your beauty is hooking other's attention and it is bad coz you are already taken."

"Shut up!...I didn't wish to have this face." Kei answered him. "Wait, why are you here? You should be inside."

"I feel bore so I look for you and then saw you here."

"You should go back inside... Your mother might search for you already."

"I know...I know... I just want to see your face."

"Kota" someone called and it is a familiar voice from both of them. They saw Marina walking on their direction while lifting her long gown. "Why the hell are you leaving me alone? You are my partner so you should stay with me the whole party."

"Alright... Fine." Kota answered. "Kei, I will leave you for a while." he said and then he left. Marina and Kei are all alone in the balcony, Marina glares at Kei as if she wants to slap his face at that moment.

"Ne, Kei... This will be the last time that you will be together. Kota will not be yours... He is mine." Marina said and then she runs away.

What does she mean about that?

Elisa went in the stage and starts to get hold of the microphone let the music stop. She let Marina and Kota went to the stage as well for an important announcement.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am happy that all of you are gathered here to celebrate the 18th birthday of my precious Marina but this party is not just all about her birthday coz today we will announce something important to all of you." Elisa said and that makes the people of the hall curious of what she will about to say. "Marina's parents and I talk about it already, we think about everything and we plan about everything and so it became formal and now let me tell you everyone that today...I will announce that Kota Yabu, my son will be Marina's future husband, he will be her fiancé."

"Huh?" Kota uttered in surprised.

To Be Continued...

pairing: yabunoo, chaptered: a road to you

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