Fanfic: Never to Betray You Again (Chapter 16)

Jun 30, 2012 05:32

Title: Never to Betray You Again
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot.
Characters: Hey Say Best, Yuto Nakajima, Keito Okamoto & Ryosuke Yamada
Genre: romance, angst, death
Rating: PG-13- NC-17, this depends on the chapter but in this chapter it is PG -13
Summary: The story focus on Kota Yabu who after 3 years meet his first love and try to correct the mistake that he did before by protecting him. In the process, he is also trying to solve who is that someone who start to ruined the life of those 5 individual who is engaged in an event happened 3 years ago.

Never To Betray You Again
Chapter 16

"I love music and that's the reason i wanted to be a famous composer. I will do my best to achieve my dreams."

"I know you can do that. You always get what you want right?"

The girl nodded her head and then she start walking. "Yeah... That is me, I always get what i wanted no matter how i will handle the situation." she said while smiling happily. "Ne, Yuyan... I love you. You will support me till the end right?"

"Of course... I love you too."

"Then if you love me... Save me... Save me Yuyan. Help me!!!"

Yuya's opens his eyes wide as he breathe deeply. He is panting and sweating so much even his room is air conditioned. Just after they went back from Kei's place, he went to his room and didn't noticed that he falls asleep.  He is still wearing his clothes and also his socks. He sit down and look at the alarm clock, it's still early afternoon. "Nightmare a broad daylight....what the heck." he whispered. He stand up and went out of his room to get something to drink. While drinking his cold water he noticed that Daiki is not around. They just went back at the same time but it seems like he active servant went for a trip again. How energetic guy he is, he thought to himself.


"Yabu-san, you can go back home now. I am feeling fine." Kei told Kota when he already calm down after crying. The two are in Kei's room and they spend the hours together even they are not saying anything at all.

"I... I don't want to go back yet." Kota told him.

"Why? Your boyfriend must be worried about you." Kei said.

Kota stared at Kei and look away again. He almost forgot about Yuto, he remembers that he need to fix something to him. About their relationship and how it should go on. It's not like he doesn't like Yuto anymore, still he has feelings for that younger guy but the most important guy to his life already appeared before him and he don't want to let go of him again. He knows how Yuto loves him so much, he can feel it because of his care and worries and he feel guilty that he can't pay it back. "Yuto... He will be fine."

"But... He will be jealous if he knows that you spend your time with me. I guess you should go and show yourself to him." Kei said but deep inside of him he feels bad about saying it. He start having a special feeling to Kota, he realized that already but he doesn't want to imposed himself and destroy someone's relationship. He himself didn't know why Kota is being caring to him, but all this time he thought that it is just because of pity. Yes, he pity him, because of his situation. Kota is just a very nice individual and so he stick together with him . He didn't want to live out of pity, he knows that his situation is tragic but he didn't want to give other people burden. He tried to be strong and move on by himself, all this years.

"No, let me stay here. I don't feel like going back. I hate my life." Kota suddenly said making Kei worried. Since Kota came this morning, his face looks so heavy. It's like he is hiding a burden deep inside of him. He discovered about the relationship about Hikaru and him because of Keito's story. With that story he didn't know who is right or wrong to the both of them but he wanted the two to reconcile. It's been almost 3 years since that happened, it's already long time for the wound to heal but why not the two are reconciling?

"What's the problem Yabu-san? You can tell me, i don't know if i can help but then..."

"The problem? It's myself... I regret so many things in my life, wanting to go back in the past and correct everything."

"Wh...what happened? What happened in your past Yabu-san?"


"This is a great place." Yuto commented to the place where Keito bring him to eat. The restaurant is the place where he, Hikaru and Kota loves to eat and they are really known to the place so they have discount whenever they plan on eating there but since the Hikaru and Kota have a fight they didn't went there complete, Kota is not visiting that place and so Hikaru and Keito are the always one who go there.

"This is our favourite restaurant when we are in high school." Keito told him.

"So, Kota always go here and eat? He didn't tell me about this. I always asked him what place he wanted to go but he is not saying anything to me."

"Actually, Kota didn't go here anymore. In this place there are lots of memories." Keito said while he drink his juice. He wanted to open the topic about Sakura but he didn't know how to start it. He is not even sure if it is really Sakura or just someone that looks like her.

"Is Kei included in those memories?" Yuto suddenly asked, feeling down again.

He noticed that Yuto is feeling down again, he didn't want it. He asked Yuto to eat with him to make him feel a little cheerful but seems like he failed. It is really a taboo to open the topic about high school. A memories of Kota where he is not included. "Yeah, he is. but he can't remember it... Kei loss his memories and can't remember anything about high school. He...he didn't know Kota at all."

Yuto is surprised with what Keito told him, he is not expecting that. Kei loss his memories and can't remember anything about Kota. Everything, the memories of high school is all gone but still...why is Kota... Why is he still hanging around with Kei? Isn't that cruel? It's a torture to his part. Kota's first love is Kei but knowing that he can't remember him then... It's cruel. "Keito, tell me... What is the real relationship with Kei and Kota. If Kei loss his memories why is Kota still acting like that towards him? Do he really love Kei that much? How about Kei? Did he love Kota?"

"Kota's love is not one sided... The love is actually mutual. Before Kei loss his memories, he and Kota are really in love with each other." Keito answered him.


"So tell me, is Kei alive?" Hiro asked Hikaru seriously.

Hikaru gulped, rolling his eyes away from Hiro. He knows Hiro, he is smart and clever and for sure he knows that Kei is alive. The way his voice tone, it seems like he is just playing around with him. Hiro is also Kanata's friend, they are together when they are in high school, it's just that Kanata is studying in different school than them. Hikaru is about to answer but he heard Hiro chuckled and so he stop.

"Don't say it... I know Kei is alive. I just don't know where he is right now. Ne, Hikaru tell me... Where is Kei? I want to see him, you know how i love him right? Or don't tell me that he is together with Kota again? Can't he give me a chance to prove how i love Kei so much? That guy... Is so selfish." Hiro commented. "Of course i know you know that right, according to experienced..."

"Shut up." Hikaru said.

"Hikaru, why don't you tell me where Kei is, as a payment i will tell you a very big secret that Kota is hiding all this years." Hiro dared.

"Wh...what do you mean?"

Hiro did an insulting laughed but then he stop immediately and back his sight to Hikaru again "I know you are not a moron but i didn't know that you are this slow. Can't you see it? Something is going on to your surrounding? There are lots of secrets that is slowly start to be revealed and also the people who are really involved."

"Why don't you just tell me what you wanted to say? Hiro, did you know something about Kanata's death? Is Sakura really alive? What do you mean about Kota's secret? What is that concern with Kei?" Hikaru asked everything that is inside his mine.

"Let me asked you... 3 years ago what do you think happen to Sakura? Why did she die? She suffered and tormented. She is raped and punished. Why? Who did that to her? Someone who has grudged against her? Why? At the same time Sakura is gone, Kei is also gone missing and didn't come back? Why?" Hiro responded to Hikaru but he only leaves question again to him that makes Hikaru more confused. He can't understand Hiro anymore.

Hiro said those words and start walking again. Hikaru asked him another question but he didn't say anything anymore. He ignored his questions as if he didn't hear it. Hikaru is now so confuse and his head just hurt about thinking about those things. He knows that there is something going on but what it is? Something that involve Kota and Kei... Sakura and other people. Is that also concerned with Kanata's death?


"When I am in high school I was a coward. I am afraid to express my opinion coz i don't want to be rejected, i don't oppose other people coz I don't want them to hate me, I always do something asked me to do coz i wanted to gain their trust. I am someone who just go with the flow and didn't have my own opinion." Kota started his words as he stare at Kei who is sitting in the corner of his bed. He is silently listening to him, he stop for a moment, he wonders if it is really alright to say something about the past to Kei. He sighed before he continued his story and then look at the window and noticed that it start to get dark outside. "I was in loved, i am totally in loved with a guy that time. I always watched him from a far, writing every details of him on my notebook and always follows him around. When you looked at me that time it seems like i am a stalker of someone really famous."

"Really? Then you really like him... That guy that you are talking about." Kei commented to him.

"Yeah so much." Kota replied back. "That's the reason I was so happy that day... That I've known that our feelings are actually mutual." he continued.

Kei invited Kota to his house to study together. The latter told him that he is having a hard time to understand a topic and so Kei volunteer to teach him after class. When Kota enters the house, it is so silent and it seems like no one is around that time and only the two of them and because of that he is worried and start to feel troubled. Kei and him are alone together and he likes Kei so much, he is a healthy teenage guy and so there is no way he can prevent thinking stupid thing son his mind.

"Just wait, I will prepare something for us to eat." Kei told him and he went straight to the kitchen while Kota is left on his own room. He look around the place, Kei's room is so neat and nice even he is a guy. If he didn't know Kei he will think that this room is for a girl. It is his first time to enter his first love's room and so his heart is excited with happiness. He stare at Kei's bed and then he stand up and stare at it again. "I know this opportunity will not come back again so.. Inoo-chan sorry..." Kota whispered and then without hesitation he jump off Kei's bed. He sniff on it and he can smell the guy's odour on his pillow and on his sheet. "I love you Inoo-chan." he whispered and then when he come to his senses he immediately went away of the bed and fix the sheet like the way it looks before he jumps over. He lean his back to the wall and thought himself as a pervert. He never thought that he will do that kind of stuffs.

Kei is already gone for 15 minutes and it seems like he is taking a long time preparing something to eat but he thought that it's already around 5:30pm and its time to cook for dinner and so he thought that he is already making one. Kota feels bored and so he take a look at the things that is inside Kei's room. He saw a family picture of them and Kei is so small that time and he thought why they didn't have a new family picture of them together now that he is already older. He also noticed that Kei has lots of books, he wonders if he is reading everything.

While walking around he trip off and he loss his balance that he hit a pile of books on Kei's study table. Everything went down the floor, not just the books but also a box that is on top of it and all the stuffs inside it are now scattered on the floor. He pick up the book first and when he is done fixing them he pick a small piece of paper and when he flip it up he saw a familiar message on it. It is the same message written on that piece of paper that he get when he claim his identification card, he knows that Kei is the one who did it since Keito told them about it already. He pick another piece of paper and then he flip it and saw his picture on it. He remembers it, it is the picture of him which he thought is already missing and he can't remember when he missed it.

That time he is already thinking why are those things are with Kei. He saw a small notebook and then he tries to open it though he knows that it is maybe Kei's diary and he knows that it is not right to do it. He take a peek to the pages and he feels embarrassed and blushing upon reading what is written on it. Everything is all about him, Kei is writing things all about him, his heart is start beating faster and he feels hot all over his body. He knows that its impossible but seeing those things make him think that... Kei has also feelings for him.

The last thing that falls down from the box is a ring which really make him think that there is something. Why is the ring with Kei? He thought that he loss it long ago. He even tried to search for it but they can't. Kota heard footsteps coming to the room but he ignored it as his mind is concentrating to process and analyzed the things that he just discovered. Kei is done cooking food when he saw what is Kota holding on his hand. Kei blushed when he realize that Kota already discovered his deepest secret.

"I...Inoo-chan." Kota called his name.

Kei sit down in front of Kota and he held a deep breathe. "Le..let me explain myself." Kei said as he stare at the things that Kota is holding on his hand. Even he lied, he can't hide it anymore coz it is already obvious. "I... I didn't stole it... Well those things i..i accidentally found it and hide it...i...i plan on giving those back to you but then..." he tried to explain but he feels that he failed. He can't stop blushing and thinking that Kota already knows about his feelings to him. "I... We...well.. I...I'm sorry." he apologized while he nod his head in front of Kota but he is surprised when all of a sudden his hand is been grab and drag near to the guy in front of him and without further ado his lips touch his lips.

"Ya...Yabu..." he whispered when the kiss already ended. That is his first kiss and he can't believe what just happened.

"You are so cute when you stammered your words." Kota whispered on him. Now that he knows Kei's true feeling he will not step backward anymore. In his life, there is nothing that he become really serious, only this time, he is really serious about his feelings for Kei and so now that he knows that the latter also likes him he can't stop himself thinking that he will not let go of it already. He thought that Kei has no feelings for him, he thought that the guy that he likes is the guy in the other class that girls called as prince but he is is him that Kei likes.

"I... I like you Inoo-chan all this time. I really like you." Kota confessed his feelings, it's already accumulated and if he will not say it anytime he will going to burst.

Kei blink his eyes so many times, is this a dream? He thought to himself as he stare at his first love's eyes. It is sparkling with excitement and wanting for his reply. He can still feel the soft lips of Kota that touch his, its warm and passionate he thought to himself and because of that he can't help himself blushing. He falls for Kota already when he saw him help the cat, that first day of school, he already found that someone that he wanted to spend his life but it take them years to know each other and another year to end up knowing each others feelings.

"I...i like you too Yabu. All this time, since the first day of our first year in high school. I... I always like you." Kei confessed to him.

Kei feels delighted about Kota's story, what a great love story he thought to himself. "Yabu-san where is that guy now? I mean... It's not Nakajima-san right? He is younger than you so that means he is not that guy right?"

Kota nodded his head, of course it is not Yuto, it is Kei. It is the guy sitting in front of him and listening to everything that he say. He wanted to bring things back to normal, like how it is used to be before. When Kei and him are loving each other without thinking of problems about their life. He is thinking about it the past when his cellphone suddenly ring and a familiar number flash to his phone and it is calling. He excuse himself to Kei to answer the call. He didn't want the younger guy to hear his conversation with the caller. His hand starts to tremble as he answer the call, that time he is not recovering yet upon the death of Kanata.

"Konbanwa Kota Yabu. How is your day knowing that Kanata already died?" the voice asked.

" kill Kanata right? Why did you do that?"

"Didn't i told you already? I am taking revenge to those people who killed Sakura Minato."

"Why? Who the hell are you? Why? Why do you need to protect that girl? Sh...she deserved to die."

"So you are admitting that you are really responsible in killing her? Tell me Kota Yabu, why are you worried about those guys dying? Are you not happy? Isn't it those guys bully you before? They make fun of you? They tease you, embarrassing you in front of everyone? They did cruel things to you yet you are there staying with them and even try to protect their lives. Do you feel guilty about something? That thing will not happened if you didn't do something right? You are guilty coz you did something that leads them killing Sakura Minato."

Kota's eyes open wide as he gasped and make a fist without hesitation, he punch the wall and that makes Kei surprised and so he went outside of the room to see if Kota is fine.

"One by one you will witness them die until the time that you yourself will commit suicide because of guilt. You can't continue living now with your conscience bothering you right? Let me tell you who is the next victim... His name is..." the voice said but the call ended. Kei snatch the phone away from him and end the call that is making Kota looking bad. He is afraid, his hands are trembling with blood oozing from it, he hit the wall hard.

"'s not my fault I... I just want Hikaru to come back to me." Kota whispered as he slide his back to the wall and tears star to fall from his eyes. The emotions that he is hiding wanted to let out already. He wanted to cry, regrets, frustration, disappointment all the bad emotions, he want them to let out already. He cried, tears flowing from his eyes. Kei watch Kota as he snap out of it already, that day he has a feeling that Kota is feeling heavy and he has lots of things playing on his mind. Though he doesn't know the reason why he wanted to comfort the later. If only he knows what is happening to him then he will help him cure the pain.

Kota cried like a child but gladly Kei is there to comfort him. He hugs the later to his arms, giving him warm that shows him that he is not alone to that world.

"Forgive me, Kei... Please forgive me. I...i regret it so much. I really regret it so much. So please... Forgive me I...I'm really sorry." Kota whispered on him which Kei can't understand. Why is Kota asking for forgiveness to him? Did he do something to him? He can't remember anything at all but his cries are too sincere. His apologised is very sincere and he feels that it touch his heart. Even he doesn't know what Kota is talking about, even he can't understand a little thing he feels that he wanted to forgive Kota about something. He hugs Kota tightly as he ruffles his hair gently.

"I...i forgive you already so... Stop crying."

To Be Continued...


A/n: ^_____^ So who is HIro? Yup as you have read, HIro is the guy who likes Kei when they are in high school. He the guy in other class that confess to Kei and became Kota's rival in love. Another truth is revealed in this chapter as well. Kei and Kota are actual lovers, they become lovers but why did Kota joined the group in doing that to Kei 3 years ago?

While posting this i feel hungry. what should i eat? Oh... i ordered eggplant with egg for breakfast. I love eggplant^___^ Yeah maybe it is my favorite vegetable. I love every dish with eggplantXD

see you in my next updateXD

PS: I am currently reading Ouran High School Host Club Manga and i am really in love with the twins and i really want to write a fic with twins. should i? i want to...^____^ the manga is hilarious. One manga i really recommend and also Furuba.

pairing: yamajima, pairing: yabunoo, pairing: hikato, pairing: tadaiki, chaptered: never to betray you again

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